
Community Grants

Sturgeon County recognizes that volunteer community associations are vital to the health, well‐being, and social development of our community.

Annually, Sturgeon County Council allocates a pre‐determined amount of money to financially assist volunteer community associations that support locally driven preventative social initiatives that enhance the well‐being of individuals, families, and communities.

Family & Community Support Services Grants

The Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) Grants program promotes and enhances the well-being of families and communities. The FCSS Grants program is intended to help individuals adopt healthy lifestyles, improve their quality of life and build capacity to prevent and deal with crisis situations should they arise.

Grant Level for this program is $5,000 maximum with no matching funds required.

Eligible Applicants Criteria
  • Any registered non‐profit organization that provides services to Sturgeon County residents that fall within the definition of preventative social services as outlined in the Provincial FCSS Act and Regulation.
  • Applicants must carry a minimum of $2,000,000 of liability insurance.
  • Applicant’s programs and services must benefit the Sturgeon County residents.
  • Applicants must use funds within the authorized period (by December 31).
  • Applicants must accept the terms and conditions of the grant program (including repayment of outstanding funds to Sturgeon County if performance obligations are not met).
  • Grant funding must be used for the purpose indicated in the grant application. Any request for redirection of funds must be submitted in writing to the FCSS Department.
Projects & Services Funding Criteria

Projects / Services MUST promote, encourage, and facilitate :

  • the involvement of volunteers;
  • efficient and effective use of resources;
  • co‐operation and coordination with allied service agencies;
  • the development of stronger communities;
  • citizen participation in planning, delivery, and the governance of the program and of services provided under the program;
  • be of a preventive nature;
  • help people develop independence & coping skills;
  • an awareness of social needs;
  • interpersonal and group skills;
  • help people & communities assume responsibility for decisions & actions which affect them, provide support that helps sustain people as active participants in the community.

Projects / Services MUST NOT :

  • provide primarily for the recreational needs or leisure time pursuits of individuals;
  • offer direct assistance, including money, food, clothing, or shelter, to sustain an individual or family;
  • be primarily rehabilitative in nature;
  • duplicate services that are ordinarily provided by a government or government agency;
  • be a capital expenditure.
Ineligible Expenses
  • Expenses not directly related to the project.
  • Expenses for fundraising, donations, and deficit reduction.
Application Process
  1. Applicants must contact our Community Development Supervisor at 780-939-8336 for a pre‐consultation prior to applying.
  2. Applicants must submit completed applications with all required supporting documentation.
  3. Sturgeon County Council Committee reviews all grant applications and make funding recommendations to Council.
  4. Applications are reviewed based on overall need, individual merit and benefit to the community and available funds.
  5. Organizations will be notified of a decision in within 2 to 4 months from submission of the application.
  6. Grant recipients may be required to sign a grant funding agreement prior to receiving funds.
  7. All successful applicants must submit a Financial and Outcomes Reports prior to January 31 of the following year.
  8. Applicants with overdue reporting from any previous Sturgeon County funded projects will not be considered for new funding until their outstanding reporting requirements have been satisfied.

For more details about regulations that define types of projects and/or services that could qualify for FCSS funding:

Application Submissions

All applicants must contact our Community Development Supervisor at 780-939-8336 for a pre‐consultation prior to applying.

Online Application Submissions:

Email Application Submissions:

Mail-In Application Submissions:

In-Person Application Submissions:

Community Association Grants Program

The Community Grant program provides financial assistance to pre-approved volunteer community associations that provide broad and inclusive recreational, cultural, and social programs and services to Sturgeon County residents.

Application deadline is February 7th, 2025.

Operating Grants

This grant is open to recognized Sturgeon County Community Associations and Senior Associations to support their operating costs and annual program expenses. Operating costs are the expenses associated with the day-to-day operations of a facility.

Capital Grants

This grant is open to recognized Community Associations and provides funding for capital projects and community improvements that benefit all Sturgeon County residents. Capital costs are expenses related to construction, building improvements or new acquisitions.

Application Process
  1. In December, Grant Applications are sent to Recognized Sturgeon County Community Groups.
  2. All applicants must contact our Community Development Supervisor for a pre‐consultation meeting at least 2 weeks prior to the application deadline.
  3. Applications must be submitted prior to the February deadline.
  4. In March, Council Committees review completed applications and make funding recommendations to Council.
  5. In April, Council approves funding allocations and notifies successful applicants.
  6. In May, Funding Agreements are sent to successful applicants for signature.
  7. Once Funding Agreements have been executed, Funding Payments are sent to the successful applicants.

For more information:

  • Contact our FCSS Department via email at;
  • Call 780‐939‐8336 to reach the FCSS Community Development Supervisor;
Application Submissions

All applicants must contact our Community Development Supervisor at 780-939-8336 for a pre‐consultation prior to applying.

Email Application Submissions:

  • Download the application form sent to your association via email.
  • Submit your completed applications via email to

Mail-In Application Submissions:

  • Download the application form sent to your association via email.
  • Mail your completed application to the following address: Sturgeon County, Family and Community Support Services Department, 9613‐100 Street, Morinville, Alberta, T8L 1R9

In-Person Application Submissions:

  • Download the application form sent to your association via email.
  • Deliver your completed application in-person to our Family and Community Support Services Department Office located at 9608‐100 Street, Morinville, Alberta.
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