Information Update – Prairie Gardens Adventure Farm

About Prairie Gardens

Prairie Gardens is a 35-acre family farm in Sturgeon County that offers farm experiences to visitors, especially in late summer and fall. Prairie Gardens meets provincial and safety codes, has ensured guests have enough parking, and has implemented recommendations – such as hours of operation – to reduce impacts on neighbouring properties.

Current Status

During the upcoming fall season, Prairie Gardens wants to welcome high numbers of visitors — up to approximately 700 vehicles per day during big events. Their main road intersection is rated for approximately 50 vehicles per day at current traffic speeds. Prairie Gardens is developing plans for permanent road safety improvements and has brought forward safety plans for the 2024 fall season.

Temporary Agreement

Prairie Gardens has asked for additional time to finish its long-term traffic strategy. To support its application for a temporary approval, Prairie Gardens will:

  • Use temporary traffic management and safety measures during major events
  • Finish applications and plans for permanent traffic safety improvements this fall
  • Build and complete all needed traffic infrastructure before next season
  • Continue to implement measures that support good neighbourly relationships

Based on these commitments, Sturgeon County is issuing a temporary approval for Prairie Gardens to host larger farm tourism events until October 31, 2024.

Sturgeon County is Committed to Help Farms Diversify and Support Safety

Sturgeon County remains committed to working with local farms to support their diversification interests, to public and traffic safety, to ensuring all community members receive fair treatment, and to supporting local businesses in open and transparent ways.

Since 2021, Sturgeon County has supported local agritourism operators in meeting their responsibilities for visitor safety by:

  • Accepting recommendations from local agritourism operators, including Prairie Gardens, on land use
  • Assisting in meeting local and provincial safety measures, compatible with the number of visitors
  • Advocating to the Government of Alberta for a review of agritourism supports provincially

Both Prairie Gardens and Sturgeon County look forward to a safe and successful fall 2024 season. This agreement also sets the stage for successful farm tourism at Prairie Gardens into the future. We welcome questions and feedback as we work together to continue to make our community a safe place to live and visit.


Paul Smith, Communications Representative, Prairie Gardens and Adventure Farm Prairie Gardens Logo

Travis Peter, General Manager Development Services, Sturgeon County

Tpeter@sturgeoncounty.casc logo

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