Starkey Road Pedestrian Bridge and Pathway Project

Project Description

This new pedestrian bridge and shared-use pathway project responds to community feedback (Sturgeon Valley Trails System: The Path Forward report, December 2021) in which residents reported feeling unsafe, uncomfortable, and unmotivated to walk or bike in the area.

The new Starkey Road pedestrian bridge will eliminate the Sturgeon River as a barrier creating a seamless path. The new pathway will connect pedestrians from south of the Sturgeon River on the west side of Starkey Road right into the Bellerose Park pathway system.

The new pedestrian bridge will benefit nearby residents and attract visitors to the area as well as become a key connection in the expanding Sturgeon Valley Active Transportation network.

In addition to building a robust trails system for people walking, biking, and wheeling, providing options for healthy activity, and enhancing connections to the community and the environment, the Starkey Road shared-use path and active transportation bridge will serve as a connecting route to places of leisure, commerce, and employment for commuters and casual users alike.

Funding / Budget

The approved project is $4.48 M. $1.74 M is provided from the Active Transportation Fund a federal fund that targets active transportation to support a modal shift away from cars and toward active transpiration, in support of Canada’s National Active Transportation Strategy.

Engagement Opportunity

Sturgeon County wants to make sure the Starkey Road pedestrian bridge reflects the community’s style and character. The bridge should be a beautiful place enhancing the sense of place that residents can take pride in and enjoy as part of the trail system.

An engagement session was held on Jan. 29, 2025, and residents were able to complete an online survey and provide input regarding the bridge appearance. Sturgeon County will consider this feedback when the Transportation and Engineering Department selects the final design.

A. Simple Pedestrian Bridge

Simple Pedestrian Bridge

B. Arc Style Bridge

Arc Style Bridge

C. Overhead Pedestrian

Overhead Bridge


  • February 3, 2025 - PowerPoint Presentation

    Please visit the Starkey Road Pedestrian Bridge presentation for more details on this project.

  • January 29, 2025 - Engagement Session

    Residents are invited to provide feedback on the Bridge Styles, Architectural Finishes, and colour.

    • When: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
    • Time: 6 – 8 p.m.
    • Where: Sturgeon Valley Golf & Country Club, 25114 Sturgeon Road, Sturgeon County

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