Traffic and pedestrian safety are priorities when Sturgeon County designs roads and intersections. Whether you are biking, walking or driving, the County ensures that every aspect of our transportation infrastructure prioritizes the well-being of all road users.
Correctly used, traffic safety measures have been shown to be effective in reducing vehicle speeds and improving safety for all modes of transportation.
2024 Locations for Safety Enhancements
Crosswalk and Pedestrian Improvements:
- Range Road 265 at St. Peter Catholic Church in Villeneuve
- Township Road 554 and Range Road 250A
- Range Road 275 / Main Street at Calahoo Arena and Community Hall
- Range Road 265 in front of Rivière Qui Barre Arena and Camilla School
- Range Road 223C and Lamoureux Drive
- Township Road 554 and 3 Avenue
- Township Road 554 and 2 Avenue
- Township Road 554 and Range Road 251 / 1 Avenue
- Assessment Candidate: Campsite Road
Speed Indicator Sign:
- On Pinnacle Way
Requesting a Traffic Safety Measure
If residents feel there’s another location in the County that needs a safety measure, and isn’t on the list above, they can submit a request to the Transportation & Engineering Services Department. Call 780-939-4321, or send the location through Sturgeon County’s website’s Report a Road Concern, and on the app.
Available Options
The options that are available for residents to request under the County’s Traffic Calming Policy are crosswalks, roundabouts, speed bumps, speed indicator lights, and rapid flashing beacons at crosswalks.
Requests will be evaluated by the Transportation & Engineering Services using criteria such as speed data and traffic volumes to prioritize locations.
Approved requests will be installed based on priority and the availability of funding.
The County is working hard to improve road safety for all to support reliable and effective infrastructure that contributes to safe and welcoming communities.
These are typically, smaller in diameter with a tighter turning radius than a traffic circle. They are designed to slow traffic and improve safety by reducing conflict points by keeping traffic flowing continuously. Yield to any vehicles already in the roundabout, traffic inside the roundabout has the right of way. Visit the AMA website to read more about roundabout rules. In a roundabout way, you’ll get where you’re going!
A crosswalk is a designated area on a road where pedestrians are intended to cross safely. It is usually marked with white lines. Drivers are generally required to yield to pedestrians using a crosswalk, and it is illegal to drive through a crosswalk when pedestrians are present.
Speed bumps
A speed bump is a raised section of a road designed to slow down vehicles, enhancing safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and other road users. It is typically made of asphalt, concrete, or rubber and is installed across the width of a road.
Speed indicator lights
Speed indicator lights are electronic signs that display the speed of an approaching vehicle in real-time. They are equipped with radar technology that detects the speed of a vehicle and immediately shows the speed on a digital display. These signs help drivers become more aware of their speed and encourage them to slow down if they are exceeding the limit.
Rapid flashing beacons at crosswalks
Rapid flashing beacons at crosswalks are pedestrian-activated warning lights designed to enhance the visibility of crosswalks and improve pedestrian safety.