Accepting projects now!

Sturgeon County’s ALUS program supports farmers and ranchers by helping them establish projects that produce ecosystem services on their land, and by providing annual payments that support farmers and ranchers in managing and maintaining the generation of ecosystem services from their nature-based projects.

Sturgeon County’s ALUS program aims to value, protect and promote both the agricultural community and the region’s unique and precious natural environment through the implementation of on-the-ground projects that rebuild, retain and reconstruct natural areas such as wetlands, grasslands, riparian areas and treed areas.

Program Eligibility

  • Are you an agricultural producer that has an annual income of $10,000 or more from farm commodities?
  • Will the proposed project benefit the environment?
  • Will the proposed project focus on marginal land, land that is ineffective to farm?

How to Apply

Ready to proceed? Contact Agriculture Services via email or call 780-939-8349, or complete the expression of interest Form.

More information on ALUS is available on the ALUS website.

YouTube video

Projects funded under ALUS include

  • Livestock watering systems
  • Planting shelterbelts
  • Improving buffers around waterbodies and fencing off waterbodies
  • Reforestation
  • Planting vegetation for pollinators
  • Creating, restoring, or improving wetlands
  • Erosion control
  • Installing bird nests or other habitats
  • Other nature-based projects may be accepted

Completed Projects

alus fencing project


alus alt watering project

Alternative Watering

alus pollinator projects

Pollinator Projects

alus shelterbelt planting project

Shelterbelt Planting

alus nesting project

Nesting Structures

alus wetland project

Wetland Projects

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