Villeneuve Airport Area Master Plan (VAAMP)

The lands surrounding Villeneuve Airport (ZVL) are prime for commercial and industrial investment. There is huge potential to support regional economic growth, diversification and new jobs.

The area benefits from tremendous road, rail, and air infrastructure as well as innovative businesses already onsite. In addition, there are pending upgrades to local broadband and municipal water services.

The Villeneuve Airport Area Master Plan (VAAMP) showcases the opportunities to capitalize on existing infrastructure in a way that complements the airport and the rest of Sturgeon County.

The VAAMP is focused on the lands surrounding the Villeneuve Airport. It will not specifically address the airport itself, which has an existing strategic plan, and will not encompass the hamlet of Villeneuve nor restrict ongoing agricultural or resource extraction practices in the area.

The VAAMP guides development in the Villeneuve Airport area and supports the attraction of investment to connect regional goods and services with global markets.

Villeneuve Airport sign

VAAMP Focus Areas

The VAAMP focuses around four themes: based on existing infrastructure and programs within the county, regionally, and provincially.

  • Villeneuve Aviation and Aerospace Centre
    Unique innovation and education hub, industrial park, and research and development testing centre dedicated to aviation, aerospace and space applications, remotely piloted aircraft systems and defence projects.
  • Villeneuve ecoPark
    State-of-the-art commercial and industrial park featuring innovation labs, research and testing facilities, advanced manufacturing areas and commercial office space. It is focused on clean-tech applications, net-zero goals, renewable energy research, extreme weather research, etc.
  • Villeneuve Agri-Innovation Hub
    Comprehensive solution to increase sustainable agriculture, combining applied research and commercialization facilities that increase value-added agribusiness and food development investment. This hub includes land/facilities for experimental farming, new crop/commodity and finished product development. It has a focus on provincial and global issues tied to agriculture, with a focus on intelligent farming.
  • Great Northern Logistics Hub
    Air, road, and rail-enabled warehousing and logistics park that provides storage, staging and transportation services between Edmonton and the world. It increases the capacity and efficiency of the flow of goods from Wstern Canada to ports in British Columbia, while acting as a critical staging area for the flow of North American goods and services into Canada’s Arctic and Alaska, and south into the US and Mexico.

The concepts provide an overall vision of the potential of the region, particularly in the areas of innovation, logistics, and new energy economies.

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