Agriculture & Environment

Rolling fields, big skies, and plenty of opportunity. Welcome home to Sturgeon County. We are a modern, rural community balancing rural life with services, jobs, and recreation.

Sturgeon stands on the shoulders of industrious farmers and innovative communities. We support our farming and rural communities with programs they need like weed control, roadside mowing, and workshops.

Consider applying for our Agricultural Services Board or ALUS Partnership Advisory Committee.

Agriculture Resources

Agriculture Programs

Alberta Farm Safety Programs and Grants
For farm safety awareness, education and programming to be delivered in diverse ways across Alberta to influence behavioral changes on family farms and the agriculture community.

Farm Fresh Producers
Dedicated to supporting the production of farm direct market vegetable crops, fruit, plants, and more.

With proAction, dairy farmers offer proof to customers that they work to ensure milk quality and safety, and to continually improve animal health and welfare as well as environmental stewardship.

Verified Beef Production Plus
Enables beef cattle producers to prove to consumers and retailers that they adhere to the highest standards.

CanadaGAP is a food safety program for companies that produce, handle and broker fruits and vegetables.

ALUS helps support agriculture producers with projects that produce ecosystem services on their land. Sturgeon County is proud to offer the ALUS program to our farming residents. To submit a project, click here.

Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR)
Enables producers to determine priorities and lead agriculture research. The Agriculture Climate Solutions On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) is an initiative to help farmers tackle climate change. Contact Sturgeon County Agriculture Services if you would like assistance in an application.

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership
The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five‐year (2023-2028), $3.5 billion cost-shared federal-provincial investment towards strategic programs and services for the agriculture and agri-food industry in Alberta. Read more about how Sustainable CAP works.

Canola Council 4R Advantage
Canola 4R Advantage offers incentives to help growers initiate or advance 4R Nutrient Stewardship on canola acres over 2 years (2021-2023). Year Two: cover expenses paid by growers between April 1 2023 and March 31, 2024. Expanding the use of 4R Nutrient Stewardship is an important opportunity to improve fertilizer efficiency, which is good for both farm productivity and our environment. Funding for Canola 4R Advantage is provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF).

Agriculture Resources

AgSafe Alberta
Agsafe Alberta develops and delivers farm safety management tools, resources, and programs for Alberta farmers and ranchers

Gateway Research Organization
A non-profit, farmer led, applied agricultural research association.

Alberta Onsite Wastewater Management Association
The provincial not-for profit organization established to educate, train and certify industry professionals.

Soil, forages, and feed testing laboratories
Services for Agri-Processors and Producers

Testing Farm Drinking Water
Online tool to assess quality and suitability of raw water sources for privately owned and operated supplies.

Farm Machinery Cost Calculator
This tool allows you to calculate ownership and operating costs of common farm equipment.

Alberta Seed Guide
Alberta farmers’ go-to source of variety and performance information.

Forage Seed Mixture Calculator
This calculator will calculate a mix and estimate a seed density for drills or broadcast seedings for any grouping of plant species in the list.

Beef Cow-Calf Manual
This manual sets out the basic principles of beef management.

Alberta Forage Manual
The Alberta Forage Manual, 2nd Edition, offers producers comprehensive information on a range of forage topics.

Agricultural Plastics Recycling Group
The APRG is made up of over 20 organizations representing agricultural producers, retailers, manufacturers, municipalities, non-profits and others.

Alberta Soil Information Viewer
Learn about the soils in Sturgeon County through this free tool.

Alberta Wheat & Barley Seeding Rate Calculator

Establishing a crop with high yield potential and quality requires sowing seed at ideal rates. Use the calculator below to determine appropriate seeding rates based on various agronomic and seed quality factors.

Soil / Water / Air

Working Well Resources
Information for private well water owners

Ducks Unlimited Canada 
Works to conserve, restore and manage wetlands and grasslands to benefit waterfowl, wildlife and people.

Land Stewardship Centre
Focuses their efforts in creating stewards: by improving understanding of healthy ecosystems.

Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society
Encouraging sustainable forest management on private lands.

Environmental Farm Plan
Helps producers identify their environmental risks and develop plans to mitigate risks.

Keep it Clean

Keep it Clean is a joint initiative of the Canola Council of CanadaCereals CanadaPulse Canada and the Prairie Oat Growers Association, providing growers and crop advisers with resources for growing market-ready crops. This includes providing timely updates on potential market risks and resources for on-farm practices to ensure crops meet the standards of domestic and export customers.

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