Responsible Burning & Fire Permits

In an emergency, every second counts.

Call 9-1-1 in an emergency where you need fire, police or ambulance services.

A simple spark can start a fire. Depending on conditions, a fire can get out of control quickly and easily. Before enjoying a backyard fire pit, burning brush or creating a smudge for livestock, make sure you can maintain a safe fire.

You also need to know the rules, as some fires need a fire permit and others do not.

Fire Permits

Fire permits for burn barrels and incinerators are valid for one year from the date of application.

Fire permits for burning garden/yard debris are valid for 30 days at a time, year-round. They are valid for piles of garden/yard debris smaller than 12 feet long by 12 feet wide by six feet high.

Fire permits for large brush piles, windrow piles and structure fires are generally issued between December 1 and March 31 and need a site inspection from Emergency Services staff prior to being issued. Permits are valid for 30 days or until March 31st and can be issued on-site. They are valid for piles larger than 12 feet long by 12 feet wide by six feet high. These permits are not issued in multi-lot subdivisions.

Fire Pits

You do not need a fire permit for an attended fire lit in an approved fire pit for recreation, cooking, or warming purposes.

Where to Get a Fire Permit

You can apply for a fire permit online by clicking the link below. Permits are also available at Sturgeon County Centre, the Protective Services Building or from your local area councillor.

Failure to obtain a fire permit and/or the violation of any terms and conditions set out in the fire permit may result in a fine.

Fire burning in a fire pit

Responsible Burning

All open fires – except for campfires used for warming or cooking purposes – and burning barrels , are allowed on lots larger than one acre.

It’s important to know what you can and can’t burn and to make sure the fire is always under control and completely put out when you’re finished.

Along with getting your fire permit, there are a few things to remember:

  • Do not burn when winds are gusting higher than 15 kilometres per hour.
  • Make sure you have the tools, including sufficient water supply, to manage the fire.
  • Do not burn close to property lines or anything combustible, like a shed, trees or a fence.
  • Smoke must not impair visibility or cause discomfort to those nearby.
  • When you are done, make sure your fire is completely put out.

Fire permits will not be issued when a County-wide fire ban is in effect.

Tenants, lease-holders, and other non-owners wishing to obtain a fire permit must provide written permission from the landowner.

Common Questions

Am I allowed to burn old derelict buildings on my property?

You need approval to burn derelict buildings on your property. Contact Planning and Development to confirm if a demolition permit is needed. You can then apply for a large brush pile fire permit. A member of Sturgeon County Emergency Services may issue this fire permit after a mandatory site visit to confirm what will be burned and that it is safe to proceed.

Do I need a permit to have a campfire?

You do not need a fire permit for an attended fire that is lit in an approved fire pit for recreation, cooking, or warming purposes. However, you should use caution and make sure fires are completely put out when you are done.

What materials am I allowed to burn with a fire permit?

You can only burn Class A materials, including but not limited to the following:

  • wood
  • branches
  • grass
  • leaves
  • paper
  • cardboard
What materials am I not allowed to burn?

You cannot burn any flammable waste that, when burned, may result in the release of toxic substances into the atmosphere. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • animal carcass and manure
  • non-wooden material
  • waste material from building or construction sites
  • wood products containing substances to preserve wood
  • combustible material
  • tires
  • rubber or plastic
  • used motor oil
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