Building & Renovating

Most projects in Sturgeon County that include any building or renovation need appropriate permits.

The cost of each permit type is detailed in our fee schedule.

Don’t See Your Project?

Not all types of projects are included on this page. Contact Planning and Development Services to discuss your unique plans.

To help make sure you submit the right information and documents, we welcome you to book a pre-application meeting with one of our development officers by calling  780-939-8275 or sending us an email.

Complex Projects

You may need further approvals and plans to complete the application for more complex projects. Additional plans may include the following:

  • traffic impact assessment
  • slope stability evaluation
  • environmental site assessment
  • historical resource assessment
  • grading plan
  • survey

Related Links

A fire advisory is in effect for Sturgeon County due to high temperatures and lack of precipitation.

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