Mayor Alanna Hnatiw

First elected in 2017

First elected in 2017, Mayor Hnatiw lives on a small farm with her husband, where they’ve raised their family—both the two-legged and four-legged kind. Coming from generations of farmers, Mayor Hnatiw spent much of her adult life as a small business owner in the oil and gas service industry, with a focus on environmental stewardship and safety.

As a leader, she is dedicated to removing barriers and seeking innovative solutions to current challenges, all while building a community rich with opportunities for people of all ages, from youth to seniors. A prosperous and self-sustaining future for Sturgeon County is a key priority for her. Mayor Hnatiw is committed to diversifying agriculture and industry, supporting small businesses, and making progress at the speed of relevance.

She is the founding Chair of the Edmonton Region Hydrogen Hub, a past Chair of Alberta’s Industrial Heartland, and a former Vice-Chair of the Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Board. For four years, she served on the governing body of the Canadian Hydrogen Convention, where she was named Hydrogen Leader of the Year in 2023.

In her free time, Mayor Hnatiw enjoys horseback riding, golfing, downhill skiing, and yoga.

Boards and Committees

  • Capital Committee
  • Economic Development Advisory Committee
  • Governance and Council Services Committee
  • Intermunicipal Internal Negotiating Task Force
  • Sturgeon County / City of St. Albert Annexation Negotiation Committee
  • Sturgeon County / Morinville Inter-Municipal Affairs Committee
  • Sturgeon County / Strathcona County Inter-Municipal Affairs Committee
  • Sturgeon Regional Partnership
  • Alberta Industrial Heartland Association
  • Collaborative Economic Development
  • Edmonton Region Hydrogen HUB Leadership Team
  • Edmonton Global
  • Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Management Board
  • Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Management Board Dispute Resolution Committee
  • Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Management Board Task Force – Metropolitan Region Servicing Plan (MRSP) Standing Committee (alternate)
  • Edmonton Regional Airports Authority Appointers
  • Northern Alberta Mayors and Reeves Caucus
  • Pembina Zone

Invite the Mayor to an event

Invite the Mayor to attend and/or speak at an upcoming event. Please remember that event attendance is subject to the Mayor’s availability. We recommend submitting requests well in advance, and no later than 14 days prior to your event.

Expense Reports


The Mayor has the authority to issue proclamations that declare special days, weeks, or months for community-based campaigns or programs requested by registered non-profit societies.

The Mayor has the discretion to grant or deny such requests. Once issued, all proclamations are posted on the County website and typically acknowledged by the Mayor during a County Council meeting.

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