Applying dust suppression can reduce the impact of dust created by traffic on gravel roads. The cost to apply dust suppression is shared between the County and resident. Fees vary based on the type of suppressant used and the length of application.
The annual Dust Suppression Program begins on the Monday of the first full week in May each year.
In 2024, the program was delayed one week due to rain and soft road conditions.
The program starts in a different quadrant each year and works clockwise around the County, starting in Quadrant 2 (NW) this year.
- The four quadrants are as follows:
- Quadrant 1: SW corner (from Hwy 642 south and west of Hwy 28)
- Quadrant 2: NW corner (from Hwy 642 north and west of Hwy 803)
- Quadrant 3: NE corner (from Hwy 803 east and north of Twp Rd 560)
- Quadrant 4: SE corner (from Hwy 28 east and south of Twp Rd 560)
Fees and Timelines
Residents may choose which suppressant product they want to be applied on the County road at their residence and pay the difference in cost.
The first 100 metres of dust suppression is subsidized by the County. The 2024 subsidy is $775 per resident.
Additional dust suppression is available up to an extra 100 metres and can be purchased in 10m increments. This is charged back to residents at full prices as per the Dust Suppression Policy.
Submission Information
Submissions for the 2024 Dust Suppression program are now closed.
Important Notices
Sturgeon County, at its sole discretion, may undertake work on any treated areas to maintain a safe driving surface. Sturgeon County does not guarantee the level of dust suppression as a result of the application of dust suppression products.
Application forms are processed in the order they are received. Your neighbour’s stakes may appear earlier than yours.
Once the County has placed stakes at your property, DO NOT move them. Changes must be requested via phone 780-939-4321 prior to the product application.

Types of Dust Suppression
Calcium Chloride
Calcium Chloride used as a dust suppressant:
- Applied by blending into the surface gravel.
- Combines with water to suppress dust.
- There is no guarantee as to the level of dust suppression or lifespan.
This product is maintained at the discretion of the County, during the current season of the application.
It is the resident’s responsibility to contact the County if the calcium requires attention. Please request maintenance using the Report a Road Concern webpage or on the Sturgeon County app.
2024 resident cost
- $405 for the first 100m.
- $118/10m for additional length up to 100m.
- $100 late fee is added to orders received between April 17 – May 17.
Mineral Oil
Mineral oil used as a dust suppressant:
- Repels water off the road surface.
- Does not combine with water. It is not calcium or salt based.
- Applied as a thin film on top of gravel and takes 24-hours to settle. The road is drivable during this time.
Requires annual application. - Applied once during the spring, it can be graded lightly to maintain a good driving surface during the season.
Maintenance or re-application is done at the discretion of the County.
2024 resident cost
- $1097 for the first 100m.
- $187.20/10m for additional length up to 100m.
- $100 late fee is added to orders received between April 17 – May 17.
Oil used as a dust suppressant:
- Repels water off the road surface.
- This is a cold-mix product placed on top of the existing road surface.
- Guaranteed until Dec. 31 of the same year it is installed (one season). The lifespan cannot be predicted, as it is site specific and depends on the subgrade condition, traffic volume, vehicle sizes etc.
Approval for the oil treatment requires a site inspection by Transportation Services. Some restrictions may apply.
Applicants must include the consent form along with the application form.
2024 resident cost
- $4,165 for the first 100m.
- $494/10m for additional length up to 100m.
- $100 late fee is added to orders received between April 17 – May 17.