
Mayor Event Attendance Request

Many groups invite the Mayor to attend and/or speak at their event. Using this form will aid in your own planning and coordination because we can process and manage your request in a consistent way.

Please note: all requests are subject to the Mayor’s availability. Every request submitted is processed by Mayor’s Office staff based on the order in which it arrives. Please do not submit duplicate requests. Requests must be submitted a minimum of 14 days prior to the event date to be considered.

Agriculture Store & Rentals (Trees, Equipment & Rain Barrels)

Sturgeon County Agriculture Services offers residents equipment rentals at a reduced rate.

  • Create an account / log in to Sturgeon Services
  • Click on “Shop (Agriculture Services)”
  • Add product to shopping bag
  • Click shopping bag to check out — pay online

Cardiff Park Rentals

Cardiff Park offers opportunities for various recreational uses including bookable day-use sheltered picnic sites, soccer fields and baseball diamonds.

To book these amenities:

Dog Licensing

Sturgeon County dog owners in all multi-lot subdivisions, hamlets and Canadian Forces Base Edmonton must purchase a dog licence.

Dog licences are $20 for neutered males and spayed females OR $30 for unaltered dogs. Your licence is valid for one year from the application date.

If you are a new user, you’ll be asked to input your name, address, phone number, and payment information.

You can also pay in person at Sturgeon County Centre (9613 100 St. in Morinville).

Reminder: you could incur an “unlicensed dog” fine of $250 if you don’t have a dog licence or fail to renew the licence when expired.

Why does your dog need a licence?

  • Less worry! If your fur baby goes missing, you have a higher chance of being reunited as people are more likely to approach a dog with a tag.
  • If the dog is licensed and is wearing his/her tag, he/she is identifiable.
  • It allows animal control to get in touch with you quickly

Fire Permits

Fire permits for burn barrels and incinerators are valid for one year from the date of application.

Fire permits for burning garden/yard debris are valid for 30 days at a time, year round. They are valid for piles of garden/yard debris smaller than 12 feet long by 12 feet wide by six feet high.

Fire permits for large brush piles, windrow piles and structure fires are only issued between December 1 and March 31 and need a site inspection from Emergency Services staff prior to being issued. Permits are valid for 30 days or until March 31 and can be issued on-site. They are valid for piles larger than 12 feet long by 12 feet wide by six feet high. These permits are not issued in multi-lot subdivisions.

You do not need a fire permit for an attended fire that is lit in an approved fire pit for recreation, cooking or warming purposes.

Failure to obtain a fire permit and/or the violation of any terms and conditions set out in the fire permit may result in a fine.

Fireworks Permits

You must have a valid permit and be at least 18 years old to purchase, sell, possess, transport, give away, store or discharge low-hazard fireworks in Sturgeon County. We only offer permits for low-hazard fireworks online. Learn more about fireworks and fireworks safety.

Hazardous Trees & Tree Health Concerns

Sturgeon County parks and open spaces are home to many native trees and shrubs. These plants provide many benefits, we want them to be healthy and thrive. If you see a tree that needs care, we want to hear from you.

Submit a service request if:

  • If you are concerned about a tree posing a threat to public safety or a tree’s health in a County park or open space.
  • You would like assistance in assessing and identifying tree health concerns.

Media Requests

Sturgeon County values the role the media plays in keeping citizens informed. We have a team of communications professionals to work with you to answer your questions and set-up interviews with appropriate subject matter experts.

Submit a Media Request. 

Check our news page for recent releases and information.

View our Contact Us page for additional contact options including our social channels.

Parks & Trail Issues

Parks and Trails are open for use year-round unless major repairs or upgrades are underway. Areas may be closed due to conditions and will be barricaded accordingly. Residents who encounter problems with Parks and Trails are encouraged to report them to the County so they can be addressed.

The Get Outside Trail Map offers information on how to get to our trails, the length and level of difficulty, and if there are any usage restrictions. When you click on the map, you’re able to view information about that trail and view photos and trail status.

To report an urgent concern after hours, call 780-939-4321. For all emergencies, call 911.

Pre-Paid Bulk Water Accounts

Bulk water accounts are pre-paid and must be set up in advance.

Accepted forms of payment are:

  • Credit Card
  • Visa Debit
  • Cash or Debit (in person only)

Payments can be made online, by phone, or in person at:

9610 or 9613 100 Street

For more information, or to make a payment call 780-939-8254.

Login or apply.

Problem Wildlife Issues

Sturgeon County has small animal traps available for rent, as a humane method of removal. Visit Agriculture Store & Rentals to request a trap.

To report dangerous wildlife encounters, call Report a Poacher at 1-800-642-3800. For a problem with an animal that’s not an emergency, call Report-a-Poacher to reach a wildlife officer or visit the Government of Alberta’s website.

Submit a service request if: 

  • You are looking for suggestions on how to manage problem wildlife and have been referred to Sturgeon County by Alberta Fish and Wildlife.
  • A coyote or fox is disturbing livestock or a beaver is causing flooding of agricultural lands.

Program Registration

View the program guide!

If you are a new user, you’ll be asked to input names, addresses, phone numbers for the members of your family you’d like to register.

  1. Click “Family & Community Support Services”
  2. Choose Adult Programs or Child and Youth Programs
  3. Find your program, and then click “Register”
  4. If it is a paid program, you’ll then be directed to input your payment information
* Do you have questions or need help registering? Contact Family & Community Support Services at 780-939-8334.

Property Maps & Data

GIS can provide access to information about your property, municipal operations, recreation opportunities and future plans. Look here for PDF maps of your community, and interactive maps with even more information and geographic context.

Report a Road Concern

Our transportation crews are always working to maintain and improve County roads, but we rely on residents to let us know about any road issues.

Log on and fill out the online form. You don’t have to register to Report a Road Concern, but if you give us your contact info, a staff member will be happy to follow up with you.

To reach the department by phone, call 780-939-4321 during office hours (Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.) or 780-939-4321 after hours. When leaving a message, please include your name, phone number and municipal address.

Ask an Assessor

If you have questions about your assessment, you can file an inquiry here, and an assessor will reply within two business days.

To find your current property assessment, visit the interactive Property Assessment Map.

Ask an assessor for help with:

  • assessment and tax estimate on a future development
  • historical assessment information
  • sales verification forms
  • sales request for information
  • change in use declaration
  • cyclical request for information
  • current property tax levy
  • current tax rate

Weed & Vegetation Issues

Sturgeon County ensures public and private properties are in compliance with the Alberta Weed Control Act and our Community Standards Bylaw. Sturgeon County inspectors can help if you think you’ve spotted a noxious weed, or if you’ve notice grass within a residential area that is taller than 15 centimeres.

Throughout the growing season, inspectors respond to reported concerns regarding weeds regulated through the Alberta Weed Control Act. To see which weeds are regulated visit the province’s website.

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