Freedom of Information & Privacy

The Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act is provincial legislation that applies to all public bodies in Alberta, including Sturgeon County.

It aims to strike a balance between the public’s right to know and the individual’s right to privacy with regards to records held at the County.

The Act allows the public access to any record in the custody or under the control of Sturgeon County, subject to specific exceptions identified in the FOIP Act, so long as those records are not already publicly available through some other means.

Summary of the FOIP Act

  • You have the right to request access to County information.
  • The County must only collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes stated in the Act.
  • You have the right to access your own information.
  • You have the right to request that the County correct your personal information
Magnifying glass on wood background

How to Submit a FOIP Request

Before submitting a FOIP request, please review these common questions:

What is a general request?

A general request for information is any request from an individual or entity that requests access to information that is recorded in any form by the County in relation to all business operations, services and activities conducted by the County.

Examples of general request include:

  • Requests for County reports.
  • Request for County agreements/contracts.
What is a personal information request?

A personal information request is a request for records that are about you. Examples of a personal information request include:

  • Records of employment with the County.
  • Bylaw complaints you have made or complaints against your property.

If you are requesting personal information about a person other than yourself, and that person has given you permission to make this request, you must provide proof of that permission. Use the Authorization of Representative Form to document the permission. When submitting your FOIP request form, please include this form.

What does it cost to submit a FOIP request?

There is no application fee for a personal request. You must pay a $25 application fee for a general request. Work will not start on your request until you have paid the fee. If you do not know if your request is general or personal, please contact the Access and Privacy Officer at email or call 780-939-1312.

How can I pay the $25 fee for a general request?

Payment can be made by cheque or credit card, please do not mail cash.

Cheques must be payable to Sturgeon County. Mail cheques to:
Access and Privacy Officer
c/o Sturgeon County
9613 100 St.
Morinville, AB T8R 1L9

Credit Card: call us at 780-939-4321 from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (excluding statutory holidays)

Will additional fees be charged?

Fees for processing general and personal requests are calculated differently as required by the FOIP Act.

Personal Requests

Fees for processing a personal request are only charged if the cost of producing the records (photocopying) is more than $10 (approx. 40+ pages). If that estimate is above the $10, you will be provided with a fee estimate.

General Requests

Fees for general requests are charged only if the cost of processing (search time, applying exceptions to disclosure, photocopying) is more than $150. If the cost is estimated to be more than $150 you will receive a fee estimate.

For both types of requests, if a fee estimate is supplied, you are required to pay a deposit of 50% of the estimated cost of processing your request before work on your request will begin.

What if I can’t afford to pay the fee?

There are some instances where fees can be reduced or waived entirely. The Access and Privacy Officer can assist you in narrowing the scope of your request and provide other suggestions to reduce the costs. The Access and Privacy Officer can also accept written requests with supporting documentation to be considered for a fee waiver.

What if I think the information I’m requesting is in the public interest?

The FOIP Act states if in the opinion of the head of the public body it is in the public’s interest to release records, the public body may excuse the applicant from paying all or part of a fee for services. If you believe your request for information is in the public interest, please raise this with the Access and Privacy Officer.

When will I get my information?

Sturgeon County has 30 days to respond to FOIP requests. However, days spent clarifying the scope of the request or awaiting payment of fees will extend the 30-calendar day response time. The County may take an additional 30 days if the scope of the request is large or if we need to consult with a third party about the records.

Any other extensions of time must be approved by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. You will be advised if a time extension is required for your request.

Will I receive all the records that I asked for?

Information will only be withheld from you if an exception to disclosure identified in the FOIP Act applies to the information.

Submit Your Request

Requests for access to information, also known as FOIP requests, can be submitted by email or mail via Canada Post.

The Request to Access Information form may be completed emailed or mailed to the Access and Privacy Officer at 9613 100 St., Morinville, AB T8R 1L9. Applications can also be accepted and paid in person at Sturgeon County Centre.

For more information on making FOIP requests, please contact the Access and Privacy Officer at 780-939-1312 or email

Routine Request Processes (Not Subject to the FOIP Act)

There are a number of records that can be released under certain circumstances:

Building permit information and related documentation
These records would follow the routine record search process as per the County’s Fees and Charges Bylaw.

Property records for conducting environmental site assessments
These records would follow the file search request process as per the County’s Fees and Charges Bylaw.

Assessment roll information
The assessment roll is made available for inspection at County Centre. Please note that it can be viewed only.

Tax and utility account information
If you are not the registered owner of the subject property, or named on the account, written permission is required from the registered owner or the individual named on the account.

Contact information for residents (i.e. for accessing land, for service of documents, collection of debt or other legal matters)
Under the Act, this information can only be disclosed if another piece of legislation provides for it.

You may receive an owner’s name and mailing address through the Land Title Office by purchasing a copy of title, or by physically coming into the County Centre office to inspect the assessment roll.

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