Agriculture Master Plan

Sturgeon County is creating an Agriculture Master Plan (AMP), which is a strategic roadmap to guide agriculture-related initiatives for the next 10 years. 

Sturgeon County is asking for your input to help shape this plan to ensure it meets the needs of agricultural producers, residents, landowners, and community partners now and in the future.  

Join us in shaping the future of agriculture in Sturgeon County! 

Get Involved

Earlier this year, we asked for your ideas and thoughts about the state of agriculture in Sturgeon County. Your feedback was used to identify themes, priorities and potential actions for the draft master plan.

Did we get it right?

Tell us how we did. Take this short 10-minute survey to let us know if the focus areas and actions address the issues you identified in the first round of engagement. 

Survey closes July 31, 2024.

Public Engagement

There are three phases of engagement.

Phase 1: February 5 – April 10, 2024

Feedback was gathered from Data Walk Workshops held on February 27 in Calahoo and February 28 in Gibbons. Attendees provided comments and input on various topic areas and highlighted the issues and opportunities facing their agricultural operations.

An online survey was posted from February 5 to March 15, 2024. The inputs gathered and analyzed to help find commonalities and focus areas to inform the plan.

In February and March, in-person interviews were held with a cross-section of farm and agribusiness producers to learn more about their experience working and growing their operations in Sturgeon County.

On April 10, two check-in meetings were held in Morinville. Participants provided input on the emerging themes and potential actions that could be considered in the plan. They were also invited to share additional ideas

Phase 2: July 2024

A second online survey will be posted to gather input on emerging topics and potential actions and initiatives related to the focus areas.

The “What We Heard” report summarizing the feedback from the first survey and public meetings will be published alongside this survey. Everyone is encouraged to read this report to learn more about the project and public input to date.

The results from this second survey will be incorporated into the draft Agriculture Master Plan.

Phase 3: November 2024

The draft Agricultural Master Plan will be posted online and presented at public information sessions. Everyone is invited to provide comments and ask questions about the draft plan before it is submitted to Sturgeon County Council for final approval.

Stay tuned for the public information session dates.


Public engagement: February 5 to November 2024 

Three phases of engagement providing a variety of opportunities for input will accompany this work to ensure that key issues and opportunities facing our agricultural operators and our community members are considered as part of this plan.

What We Heard report: Fall 2024

This report will summarize the feedback generated through the public engagement process.

A preliminary What We Heard (WWH) report will be released in June 2024. The final WWH report summarizing all feedback generated throughout all three phases of the public engagement process will be presented to Sturgeon County Council in late fall 2024.

Draft AMP presented to Council: Fall 2024

The initial draft of the Agriculture Master Plan will be presented to Sturgeon County Council for their consideration. 

The date for this Council presentation has not been set.

Related Documents

A fire advisory is in effect for Sturgeon County due to high temperatures and lack of precipitation.

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