Program Registration

Sturgeon County offers a variety of recreation programs throughout the year in summer, fall, winter and spring.

You can register and pay online for County programs. Your account keeps track of receipts, displays a calendar of your upcoming activities, and lets you know about unexpected schedule changes or cancellations.

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How to Register

You will need an account to register for Sturgeon County Programs. If you are a new user, you’ll be asked to input names, addresses, phone numbers for the members of your family you’d like to register.

  1. Click “Family & Community Support Services”
  2. Choose Adult Programs or Child and Youth Programs
  3. Find your program, and then click “Register”
  4. If it is a paid program, you’ll then be directed to input your payment information
Kids Programs (Ages 0 – 12)

Early Childhood

Youth Programs (Ages 12 – 19)
Adult Programs

General Interest (Ages 16+)

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