Council Meetings

Sturgeon County Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. All Sturgeon County Council regular Council meetings are open to the public with the exception of closed sessions.

Presenting to Council

To present at a Council Meeting, you must submit a completed Council presentation request form 12 business days before the regular meeting to Legislative Services.

View Meeting Agendas

  • Sturgeon County Council and Committee of the Whole meeting agendas are posted at least 24 hours before the meeting date.
  • To view the agenda, simply click on the meeting date in the calendar above
  • You will be able to view the agenda as an web page (HTML) or a PDF.

Watch Meetings

Watch Live: To watch the Council Meeting live, click on the meeting date in the calendar below, and select “View Live Stream” (this option only appears when a meeting is in progress).

Watch Archived Meetings: To view an archived meeting, simply click on the meeting date in the calendar below, select the ‘Agenda HTML’ option and use the agenda listing to navigate to the topic you wish to view.

Video will be available within one week following the conclusion of the meeting.

Important notes

  • A holding screen will display when Council is set to begin, has recessed, is in closed session or if the meeting has concluded.
  • For best results, please use Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

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