Mayor Alanna Hnatiw proclaimed March 21 as the Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Sturgeon County.
Land Use Bylaw Amendments
Council passed Bylaw 1610/23 – Sturgeon Valley Core Infill Policy, which updates the Sturgeon Valley Core Area Structure Plan (ASP) to clarify subdivision and infill densities. This ensures existing servicing infrastructure can support future development in the Sturgeon Valley Core and that development aligns with the original vision for the community.
Council passed Bylaw 1613/23 – Amendment to Land Use Bylaw, which updates the subdivision requirements for the Country Estate Residential district. This limits the subdivision of existing lots in the Valley Core so future subdivision aligns with planned infill densities and can be supported with existing servicing infrastructure. This change would impact other parcels districted as County Estate Residential, including in the Casa Vista and Northern Lights areas.
Council gave first reading of Bylaw 1609/23, which proposes to amend the Land Use Bylaw to develop Sturgeon Valley Land Use Districts and an urban reserve overlay. These proposed amendments will allow for interim development activity in the Sturgeon Valley south region in an orderly and phased manner. A public hearing will be scheduled before Council considers the bylaw further. Details on the public hearing will be posted on the
Public Notices page on the County website.
Council gave first reading of Bylaw 1619/23, which proposes to amend Bylaw 1555/21 Sturgeon Valley South Area Structure Plan by including a requirement for an outline plan for a proposed Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan (NASP). The outline plan would provide more detail at a site-specific level and would show how the proposed development would align with the NASP. A public hearing will be scheduled before Council considers the bylaw further. Details on the public hearing will be posted on the Public Notices page on the County website.
Addressing Bylaw
Council passed a new Civic Addressing Bylaw 1616/23, which includes both rural and urban addressing standards. The previous bylaw was passed in 1997 and was outdated, and did not provide for urban addressing standards that will be needed as the Sturgeon Valley area builds out. These new standards are also beneficial for emergency response vehicles in helping them locate properties quickly.
Alberta Reception at Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Conference
Council approved an expense of up to $10,000 for a proposed Alberta reception during the 2023 FCM Conference. This would provide the opportunity for Alberta communities to inform and educate conference delegates from across Canada about Alberta and help further build relationships provincially and nationally. Council also approved a sending a letter to the federal and provincial governments, other rural municipalities, and relevant industries to gauge support in jointly hosting this reception.
Public Hearings
Council held a public hearing for Bylaw 1620/23 – Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 1385/17, which proposes to establish a new R7 – Transitional Valley Residential District in the Sturgeon Valley Area Structure Plan. The proposed R7 district would allow for greater flexibility in adapting to changing market conditions. Council will consider the presentations and the submissions and will make a decision at a future Council Meeting.
Council held a public hearing for Bylaw 1615/23, which proposes to redistrict a portion of NE-5-55-24-W4M from Agriculture District to the new Agriculture 2 District. The redistricting is necessary before the applicant can submit an application to establish an event venue. Council will consider the presentations and the submissions and will make a decision at a future Council Meeting.
Next Council Meeting
Fast facts about land use bylaw amendments and public hearings:
- At Sturgeon County, before Council seeks public feedback on a proposed land use bylaw amendment, Council gives first reading of the proposed bylaw. This does not mean Council supports the bylaw, but that Council is agreeing for the proposed bylaw to proceed to the next stage of the bylaw process, being receipt of public feedback.
- Public hearings are open to any members of the public, but in considering feedback, Council must consider how and the degree to which the person making a written submission or speaking at a public hearing is affected by the proposal.
- Anyone wishing to provide comments on a proposed bylaw can submit them in writing in advance, attend the Council Meeting in person, or participate virtually.
- For more details and to register for a public hearing, call Legislative Services at 780-939-8277.
- Public hearings, along with other public notices, are posted on the Public Notices page on our website.
Next Council Meeting
The next Sturgeon County Council meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. on March 28, 2023.
Future agendas and past meeting minutes can be found online.