Assessment Complaints

It is important to talk to your assessor before filing a complaint.

If you have met with an assessor and still feel that your assessment is incorrect, you may file a complaint to the Assessment Review Board. Most concerns can be resolved before complaints get to the Assessment Review Board.

Filing a Complaint

A complaint must be submitted in accordance with Section 460 of the Municipal Government Act.

Complete the Complaint Form and submit it in person, by mail, email or fax. Please allow time for delivery if filing by mail.

The Assessment Review Board (ARB) will only hear issues identified on the complaint form. The reasons for a complaint must indicate the following: 

  • What information shown on an assessment notice or tax notice is incorrect;
  • In what respect the information is incorrect, including identifying the specific issues related to the incorrect information that are to be decided by the ARB, and the grounds in support of these issues;
  • Provide the information you believe to be correct;
  • If the complaint relates to an assessment, the requested assessed value.

An agent making a complaint on behalf of an assessed person must also file a completed Agent Authorization Form.

Note: An agent means a person or company who for a fee or potential fee acts for an assessed person or taxpayer during the assessment complaint process or at a hearing before an Assessment Review Board or the Municipal Government Board. Both the Complaint Form and Agent Authorization Forms are also available at Sturgeon County Centre.

Filing Fees

This fee will be refunded if a change is made to your assessment.

Property TypeFee
Farm$25.00/Roll Number
Residential property$50.00/Roll Number
Non-Residential$500.00/Roll Number
Multi-Family Development$500.00/Roll Number

Payments Accepted

  •  In person: By cash, cheque, Visa, MasterCard
  • By mail: Cheques only (make your cheque payable to Sturgeon County).

Common Questions

How do I know my property assessment is a reasonable market value estimate and how does it compare to other similar properties?

Your property characteristics are measured against other properties that have sold, to calculate a market value. Characteristics such as location, age, size, quality, and others are all considered. You can confirm your property characteristics or compare other properties, by using our Sturgeon Gateway Property Viewer.

Alternatively, an Assessor is available to answer your questions via phone at 780-939-0601.

Nothing has changed on my property so why did my taxes go up?

Property assessment values are based on market values. Each year, new sales information is added to valuation models. When properties in your neighbourhood or market area sold for higher values than your previous assessment, your new assessment will reflect an increase in value and have a corresponding effect on your taxes.

An increase in taxes is also possible if the general market value has dropped but your neighborhood or your home value has not decreased as much as the average decrease in the County.

When do I have to provide my disclosure package?

You must provide your disclosure package to the Assessment Review Board and the respondent by the disclosure deadline. You can find the deadline on the Notice of Hearing document that we will mail to you. If you miss the disclosure deadline, then the Board may not allow you to present your evidence.

What is evidence?

Evidence is whatever you will use to prove your case. Several kinds of evidence can be presented. Here are some examples:

  • Documents – sales data, repair estimates, assessments and information from other similar properties, appraisals, etc.
  • Oral testimony – a witness provides information and answers questions in person
  • Visuals – photographs (inside and out) and maps
  • Chart that compares characteristics and values from your property with the other properties
  • Any other documents, pictures or maps (for example, a signed witness statement) that support your position
  • Affidavits or other statements – a witness’s evidence given to the board in writing. Letters or a statement made under oath or solemn affirmation (affidavit)
  • Expert evidence – experts have specialized knowledge because of their education or experience. You will need enough evidence to convince the Board that your assessment is not a fair estimate of the market value of your property.

Your assessment should reflect:

  • What your property may have sold for in an open market on July 1 of the previous year (valuation date)
  • The condition of your property on December 31 of the previous year (condition date)
What is a disclosure package?

A disclosure package is your evidence and it contains all of the documents that you are going to use at the hearing to prove your case