Accounts, Billing & Rates

Setting Up Your Water / Wastewater Account

Moving in? Give us a call at 780-939-8254 at least five days prior to possession to guarantee water/wastewater connection. You will need the following information:

  • Name
  • Phone number(s)
  • Possession date
  • Mailing and service address

If you are moving into a newly built home, you will also need us to arrange for a water meter to be installed.

Setting Up Your Bulk Water Account

A pre-paid account can be set up by logging onto Sturgeon Services and applying. If you need assistance, call 780-939-0609 or 780-939-8254.

Paying Your Utility Bill

Sturgeon County utility customers are billed monthly. Accounts with outstanding balances after the penalty date will have a penalty of 2.5 per cent added to the outstanding amount.

All accounts, which remain unpaid after the 15th day of the month following the due date on your bill, will be subject to utility service being discontinued. A reconnection fee of $75 plus all outstanding rates or charges must be paid in full before service is restored.

Pre-authorized debit

You can set up pre-authorized withdrawals from your bank account. The amount will fluctuate each billing period depending on your usage, the amount owing will appear on each Sturgeon County Utility statement.

A cheque from the account you wish to have your payment withdrawn from must be marked “VOID” and attached to the authorization form.

Read and complete the pre-authorization debit form, then send it to Sturgeon County. The County must receive your application form at least two weeks in advance of your first payment date.


You can set up online payments through online banking, or visiting your bank. If setting up online payments through your bank, search “Sturgeon County” and select “Sturgeon County – Utilities”.  You will need to enter your utility account number (located on your water bill).

Some banks may not accept the decimal in the account number, but as long as we have the whole account number it will be good.

Drop off – 24 hour deposit box

Located in front of Sturgeon County Centre

9613 100 St.
Morinville, Alberta
T8R 1L9

Deposit payment prior to midnight of the due date to meet the payment deadline. Do not deposit cash. Make cheque or money order payable to Sturgeon County. Cheques (including post‑dated cheques) must be dated for the due date or earlier to avoid penalty. Sign and accurately complete your cheque, as Sturgeon County is not responsible for errors and/or omissions. Enclose the remittance portion of your bill(s) and write the property roll number(s) on your cheque.

In person at County Centre

Pay in person at County Centre:

9613 100 St.
Morinville, Alberta
T8R 1L9

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Cheque or money order
    • Make cheque or money order payable to Sturgeon County
    • Sign and accurately complete your cheque, as Sturgeon County is not responsible for errors and/or omissions.
    • Post‑dated cheques must be dated by the due date or earlier to avoid penalty.
  • Debit card

​Mail your cheque or money order to:

9613 100 St.
Morinville, Alberta
T8R 1L9

  • Do not send cash in the mail
  • Make cheque or money order payable to Sturgeon County
  • Sign and accurately complete your cheque, as Sturgeon County is not responsible for errors and/or omissions
  • Enclose the remittance portion of your bill(s) and write the property roll number(s) on your cheque.
  • The effective date of mailed payments received after the due date will be the date of the Canada Post postmark. The Canada Post postmark must be dated on or before the due date to avoid late payment penalties. If the Canada Post postmark is absent or illegible, the effective date of payment will be the date received.
  • The imprint of a postage meter is not accepted as proof of the mail date.

Sign Up For E-Billing

Sturgeon County offers electronic billing (e-billing) for utility account holders. The service is free, convenient, and easy to sign up. Submit the online application form and look for a confirmation email from us. Once you have signed up, you will receive an email with your utility invoice attached once it has been generated. E-bills will arrive in your inbox every month.

Water & Wastewater Rates

Wastewater charges are based on water consumption and water meter size.

Water – Residential (Including Legal and Alcomdale Waterline)

Fixed Base Rate 5/8″ Meter

Fixed Base Rate 3/4″ Meter

Fixed Base Rate 1″ Meter

Variable Usage

Co-op Systems (Alcomdale, Roseridge and North Sturgeon)

Alcomdale, Roseridge and North Sturgeon

Wastewater – Residential

Application fees

Wastewater hookup
Renter’s deposit 

Penalties (Ref: Bylaw 1253/11)

Reconnection penalty
Temporary reconnection fee
Late payment
2.5% on balance owing

Rates (fixed base rate plus consumptions-based charges (consumption charge based on 84% of water usage)

Fixed Base Rate

Low Pressure Systems (Cardiff/Pittsburg, Northern Lights, Villeneuve, Rivière Qui Barre, Sturgeon Valley, and Villeneuve subdivisions)

Gravity System(Sturgeon Valley, Cardiff Echoes)

Flat monthly rate low pressure systems (not connected to municipal water) Calahoo and Villeneuve

Water – Commercial, Industrial, Institutional

Fixed Base Rate 5/8″ Meter

Fixed Base Rate 3/4″ Meter

Fixed Base Rate 1″ Meter

Fixed Base Rate 1.5″ Meter

Fixed Base Rate 2″ Meter

Fixed Base Rate 3″ Meter

Fixed Base Rate 4″ Meter

Fixed Base Rate 6″ Meter

Fixed Base Rate 8″ Meter

Variable Usage

Wastewater – Commercial, Industrial, Institutional

Fixed Base Rate (all meter sizes)

Consumption charge based on 100% of water usage

Truck Dumping Station

Common Questions

What does this mean to the average residential property owner?  

The average residential utility customer will save nearly $200 per year.   

What did the cost-of-service study find? 

It determined that our revenue requirements will likely decrease slightly compared to previous years due to a 25-year asset condition assessment that deemed our assets in good condition and our reserves funding is adequate.  

Does the County make money from utilities? 

The County’s utility is managed similarly as a not-for-profit organization, where revenue collected is designed to be full cost recovery. Any profits are transferred into a reserve fund used to offset or stabilize rates in the future.   

What is a fixed rate? 

A fixed utility rate is like a steady fee you pay regularly, no matter how much water you use. It helps the County cover basic costs, like maintaining pipes and equipment. 

What does the fixed rate on my utility bill pay for?  

Portions of the fixed rate on your utility bill are used to fund the cost of replacing meters and pipes in the ground, water hydrants for emergency and fire services and customer service for billing and administration. A portion of the fixed rate also goes into savings to pay for any major repairs or upgrades needed in our water and wastewater system.  

What is a variable rate? 

Variable charges (or rate) cover purchased water and wastewater treatment costs and a portion of the County’s operating and capital costs.  

What does the variable rate on my utility bill pay for?  

The variable rate is the amount of water that you use. The amount of water you use is also used to calculate the amount of wastewater created. You may notice the amounts are not equal. The wastewater is lower as we recognize that some water is consumed and not carried away as waste.   

Where does our water come from? 

We supply more than 2,600 customers with water and wastewater services every day. Our water comes from EPCOR in the City of Edmonton from either the Rossdale Water Treatment Plant or EL Smith Water Treatment Plant. Sturgeon County pays for this water. 

There are three waterlines that supply the County. Sturgeon Valley is supplied directly from EPCOR from the Castledowns Reservoir. Customers west of Highway 2 are serviced from the Morinville Waterline that supplies the town with water. Customers located in the east side of the County are serviced from the Capital Region Northeast Water Services Commission.  

In addition, the County manages six bulk water services across the county. This is the primary water source for more than 6,000 households and many businesses. 

What size is the meter on my property, and why does it matter? 

Residential meters are 5/8” or ¾” meters. Our new billing changes help determine our customer classes by meter size and volume of water need to service a property. The water meter size is based on the expected water usage of the entire property or building. Properties with higher water demands, such as commercial or industrial, require larger meters to accommodate their flow rates.  

What type of meter do I have? 

Water meters provided to customers are supplied by the Neptune Technology Group. One benefit of this meter is its 90-day download capability which provides greater water consumption information to help troubleshoot a source of water loss on your bill.  

I think my meter isn’t accurate, how can I have it checked? 

If you think your meter isn’t providing accurate readings, keep an eye on it. If it is continuously registering flow or spinning, this might indicate that you have a leak. If you need assistance, please contact Utility & Waste Management Services at 780-939-8254. 

What new investments is the County making in utility services to benefit the community?  

In 2024, Sturgeon County is investing over $3.1 million to improve utility infrastructure, including $1.6 million for water and $1.5 million for wastewater services.  These projects are part of the County’s ongoing replace, repair, and maintain program that ensures County infrastructure will meet the needs of the community. 

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