Planning Documents & Studies

Municipal Development Plan

Learn about Sturgeon County’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and how it serves as a roadmap for how our community evolves and transforms.

View the MDP

Land Use Bylaw

The Land Use Bylaw assigns a specific district to every property, such as the following:

  • Agriculture (AG)
  • Country Residential (R1)
  • Local Industrial (I2)

Learn more about the Land Use Bylaw.

Infrastructure Master Plan

The Infrastructure Master Plan is a critical document focused on land use. The plan examines the effects of potential growth scenarios on each component of infrastructure – including water, wastewater, stormwater and transportation/road systems – and explores solutions to any possible deficiencies.

Area Structure Plans

Area structure plans (ASP) are approved by Council as bylaws, and guide future development. An ASP provides a framework that describes:

  • the proposed land uses
  • density of population
  • sequence of development
  • general location of major roadways
  • public utilities in the area
  • any additional requirements that Council may identify

Neighbourhood Area Structure Plans & Outline Plans

Neighbourhood area structure plans are sub-plans that support an area structure plan, and provide general details about the development, including density.

Outline plans are neighbourhood-level plans that detail housing types, road networks and community trails and parks.

For both types of plans, developers must hold public engagement sessions about the plan before applying to the County for approval. These plans need Council approval. Council holds a public hearing to gather input from the public before considering approval.

Intermunicipal Development Plans

Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDPs) are agreements between two or more municipalities. They outline how planning and development decisions will be made when they affect both sides of the municipal boundaries.

Off-Site Levies

An off-site levy allows municipalities to recover capital costs incurred for infrastructure improvements as a result of new development or growth. Off-site levies transparently and equitably allocate off-site infrastructure capital costs to those that benefit – thus ensuring that growth pays for growth.

General Municipal Servicing Standards (GMSS)

The General Municipal Servicing Standards (GMSS) provides guidelines to help residents, the County and developers to plan, design and start projects in the County.

The document provides comprehensive standards and procedures to ensure all work in the County is consistent and of good quality. It includes standards for landscaping, street lights, road width, street signs, water and stormwater systems, fire hydrant locations, drainage requirements and much more.

Transportation Master Plan

The Transportation Master Plan aligns forecasted growth in the County with road infrastructure requirements over the next 10 years. 

The plan takes into consideration the,

  • current and future transportation needs, 
  • transportation solutions, and
  • prioritization of investments. 

By taking a holistic approach that incorporates current, future, and anticipated opportunities, the TMP represents future needs while acknowledging recent contexts and circumstances.

Planning & Development Policies

If you need a copy of a policy that is not listed, contact Planning and Development via email or by phone 780-939-8275.

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