Community Standards

The Community Standards Bylaw gives landowners and residents rules to follow to maintain their property. It also gives Enforcement Services a means to address unsightly or nuisance properties when they develop.

The bylaw applies to properties in hamlets, and properties considered country residential, country residential estate, multi-family and modular dwellings. The only section of the bylaw that applies to all properties in the County – including agricultural, commercial or industrial properties – relates to noise.

Property Complaints

Contact our Protective Services department at 780-939-8400 or by email to submit a complaint or need more information about the Community Standards Bylaw.

Complaints are investigated by Sturgeon County peace officers, who have the discretion to enforce the Community Standards Bylaw and will determine what does and does not violate the bylaw. Violating the Community Standards Bylaw could result in fines of between $250 and $1,000 on a first offence.

If you need help connecting with services that can support you in maintaining your property, contact our Family and Community Support Services department at 780-939-8334.

What it Means for Landowners

Landowners and residents must maintain their properties – including all structures, fences and other items – so they don’t become unsightly, pose a safety hazard or cause a nuisance.


You must not make noise or allow noise to be made that unreasonably disrupts others on public or private property.

Special care is needed between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., as you must limit noise – including vehicle noise, shouting, dog barking or howling, and music – and not disturb others.

The following activities are not allowed between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.:

  • Operating a lawnmower, motorized garden tool, power tool (when used outside a structure), or motorized snow- or leaf-clearing tool.
  • Loading or unloading any vehicle in a way that produces noise that can be heard from nearby dwellings or buildings.
  • Performing construction work that can be heard beyond the boundaries of the property.
Storage of materials and garbage

You cannot accumulate:

  • materials that create odours of any kind
  • animal feces or animal remains, including in a compost pile or container
  • materials that are likely to attract animals, pests or wildlife
  • garbage that remains on the property for more than three weeks
  • excess construction materials when construction is not recently completed, ongoing or taking place in the immediate future

You cannot allow garbage to accumulate in a way that it could end up on someone else’s property. You also can’t allow garbage to be visible to someone outside the property, such as loose garbage, recyclable materials, household furniture and goods, vehicle parts or machinery/equipment.

Open compost areas are not allowed within 10 metres of a nearby house. Learn more about your options for waste disposal.


You must maintain your landscaping, including plants and grass. Plants and grass cannot be taller than 15 centimetres, except when intentional for landscaping effect.

You must maintain trees, shrubs and other plants so they don’t become a hazard and interfere with powerlines, power poles, sidewalks, pipes, sewers or other utility works.

To report a landscaping-related issue please submit an online Service Request. 


You cannot allow your outdoor lights to shine into the living or sleeping areas of another dwelling.


You generally cannot allow water to flow from a hose, downspout, eavestrough or similar device towards an adjacent property if the water is likely to enter that property or over a public sidewalk.


You cannot leave a vehicle running for more than 20 minutes, unless it is -15 C or colder.

You can have a maximum number of recreational vehicles stored on your property, based on your land use district (see below). This can include a maximum of two non-operational or otherwise broken-down motor vehicles, which must be covered with a tarp or stored in an approved structure. Any other recreational vehicle(s) on your property must be kept in a state of good repair.

Maximum number of recreational vehicles allowed

  • Hamlets: 1
  • Country residential: 3
  • County residential estate: 1
  • Multi-family: 0

Recreational vehicles cannot be parked in a front yard, except in a designated parking area.

Important Terms

What is a nuisance?

Nuisance means any use of or activity on land which demonstrates a disregard for the general maintenance and upkeep of property. This includes producing an annoyance, inconvenience or discomfort to other people.

What is an unsightly property?

An unsightly property means land showing signs of serious disregard for general maintenance and upkeep when compared to nearby properties.

What is an unsightly structure?

An unsightly structure means one with an exterior showing signs of significant physical deterioration when compared to nearby properties.