The School Support Declaration form indicates whether your education property tax dollars will support the public or the separate (Catholic) school system.
Sturgeon County is required to collect education taxes on behalf of the Provincial Government. This tax supports all public and separate school students and helps pay for basic instruction costs, including teacher salaries, textbooks, and other classroom resources. Read more about the calculation, collection, and distribution of the education property tax from the Government of Alberta.
The School Support Declaration form indicates whether your education property tax dollars will support the public or the separate (Catholic) school system. School support status is shown on your property assessment notice.
A School Support Notice is automatically mailed to the property owner when a change is registered at Land Titles (i.e., purchase, marriage, divorce, death, legal name change, adding or deleting an owner).​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Update your school support notice
You can change your school support status at any time. The change does not take effect until the following calendar year.
Download and print the school support notice that applies to you.