Water, Waste & Recycling

Sturgeon County offers a variety of water and sewer services to residents and businesses in the County.

This includes bulk water stations, municipal water and sewer connections, and private sewage system permits. Review our water and wastewater utility rates and find out how to pay your utility bill.

Common Questions

Where is my water meter located in my house?

Your water meter is typically located in the basement, usually found in the utility room or near your hot water tank. Some rural residents may have a meter vault that is located on or near your property where the water meter is housed. The water meter transmitter is located on the exterior of your home / building that the water meter is located within.

When does sanitary sewer flushing take place?
  • Flushing of the sanitary sewer system in Cardiff and Sturgeon Valley takes place annually, usually starting in June and continuing for 1-2 months.
  • Sturgeon County has a variety of methods to notify area residents which may include a notice in your utility bill, a message on our mobile app, social media and/or neighbourhood signs.
What does it mean when my subdivision is on ‘odd and even’ or ‘watering restrictions’?

It is sometimes necessary that Sturgeon County employ water demand measures to conserve water for essential use (i.e. drinking water). Odd and Even watering refers to non-essential water (like watering your lawn) when your house number aligns with the particular day (i.e. if you have an address with an even number) you would be able to water your lawn on an even day.

My water bill is high – why?

There may be several reasons as to why your water bill might be abnormally high but a main contributor is leaky plumbing or faulty irrigation systems. These can lead to major water loss, which could lead to a high water bill. Keep an eye on your water meter, if it continuously registering flow or spinning, this might indicate that you have a leak. If you need assistance understanding your utility bill, or have questions, please contact Utility Services at 780-939-8254.

What water/ wastewater infrastructure am I responsible for as a homeowner?

You are responsible for all water/ wastewater infrastructure — including pipes, septic tanks, effluent pumps, and service connections on your property.

Sturgeon County is responsible for infrastructure located on public property.

For more information about low-pressure sewer systems,  Utility and Waste Management Services has developed an Installation and Maintenance Guide for reference.

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