
Policies are Council statements that guide decision-making on municipal matters. Council approves, amends or rescinds policies that set discretionary duties or standards of performance. Policies are posted on our website to promote awareness, transparency, accountability, and to serve as a convenient reference for Council, administration and the public.


Can’t find what you’re looking for? Email us or call 780-939-4321.

Policy: Resource Extraction Direct Control Evaluation Policy
Policy: Resource Extraction Agricultural Assessment Policy
Policy: Groundwater Monitoring Program Policy
Policy: Flag Protocol Policy
Policy: Vegetation Management Policy
Policy: Trail Maintenance Policy
Policy: Telecommunication Facility and Antenna System Policy
Policy: Subdivision of Land Policy
Policy: Snow and Ice Control Policy
Policy: Residential Lot Grading Policy
Policy: Regulated Tax Revenue Policy
Policy: Public Engagement Policy
Policy: Procurement Policy
Policy: Proclamations Policy
Policy: Planning and Development Fees Policy
Policy: Municipal Reserve Lease or Purchase Policy
Policy: Municipal Reserve Cemetary Policy
Policy: Municipal Property Tax Cancellation, Reduction, Refund and Deferral Policy
Policy: Grid Road Right-of-Way Dedication and Acquisition Policy
Policy: Exemption of Development Application Fees for Recognized Community Associations Policy

A fire advisory is in effect for Sturgeon County due to high temperatures and lack of precipitation.

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