Strategic & Corporate Planning

Sturgeon County has a series of plans that guide its work. These help us advance with intention.

The Strategic Plan is created by Council and informed by the community. It sets a vision and goals that guide decision-making over Council’s term in office from 2022 to 2025. Council identified strategic priorities, which are high-level actions that will help the County achieve its goals. Each of these priorities is supported by detailed actions and initiatives being undertaken.

Read on to learn how we’re taking decisive steps to make things happen and ensuring we remain future-ready to meet new opportunities and challenges as they arise.

Our Vision

Sturgeon County vision statement: Offering a rich tapestry of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, Sturgeon County is a municipality that honours its rural roots and cultivates desirable communities. Uniquely situated to provide world-class agricultural, energy and business investment opportunities, the County prioritizes responsible stewardship and dreaming big.

Our Guiding Principles

Our Goals: Community Outcomes

The below community outcomes are goal statements that guide strategic decision-making; they help us evolve intentionally.

For each goal, Council identified strategic priorities – key action items – that will help us achieve our goals.

Planned Growth
Planned Growth
Thriving Communities
Thriving Communities
Environmental Stewardship
Environmental Stewardship
Collaborative Excellence
Collaborative Excellence
Operational excellence
Operational Excellence

Our Actions: Strategic Priorities

The below actions are guiding our work between 2024 and 2027.

Diverse Business Hub

To reinforce Sturgeon County as an internationally competitive and supportive municipality to locate and conduct business.

Planned Growth
Collaborative Excellence
Expected outcome benefits
  • Internationally competitive to attract, grow and sustain diverse business
  • Low cost, minimal red tape regulations
  • Tenacious focus on new growth and innovation
  • Predictable and stable external relationships
Key initiatives
  • Industrial Heartland Utility Provision – Q3 2022 to Q4 2027
    Explore the development of water access and distribution to the Industrial Heartland.
  • Villeneuve Airport Development Mobilization — Q4 2023 to Q3 2025
    Facilitate the next steps in Villeneuve Airport Area development and advance regional partnerships and investment attraction.
Enhancements to core services
  • Business Grant Access
    Develop a business grant access program that empowers businesses by building skills, tools, and resources to access grant opportunities.
  • Economic Marketing Strategy
    Enhance awareness of investment opportunities across the province, country, and internationally through strategy implementation.
  • Tourism and Economic Event Support
    Enhance tourism services and direct support for major economic events that drive visitation and investment.

Meaningful Community Connections

To acknowledge and celebrate Sturgeon County’s history and relationships with Indigenous and other communities.

Planned Growth
Thriving Communities
Collaborative Excellence
Operational excellence
Expected outcome benefits
  • Meaningful connections with Indigenous communities
  • Engaging cultural, historic, and civic amenities
  • Safe, welcoming, and diverse communities
  • Small community feel and personal connections
  • Strong community identity and pride
  • Positive culture within the municipal organization
Key initiatives
  • Joint Use Planning Agreements – Q2 2022 to Q1 2025
    Develop Joint Use Planning Agreements with local school boards.
Enhancements to core services
  • Community-Driven Playground Process
    Formalize the process to support community-led playground initiatives.
  • Community Organization Support
    Enhance support to non-profit, community organizations, and volunteerism.
  • Crime Prevention
    Provide additional resources and support to communities around crime prevention.
  • Resident Support Access
    Connect residents with enhanced external financial resources, social services, and government benefits and program support.
  • Recreation Support
    Enhance recreation service support within neighbouring communities.
  • Truth and Reconciliation
    Act on Call to Action 57 and provide education on Indigenous history and current reality within the workforce.
  • Winterfest
    Host the first family-friendly Winterfest to showcase local vendors, entertainment, and community belonging.
  • Youth Advisory Committee
    Bolster youth engagement and opportunities for youth within our community.

Safe, Beautiful Communities

To cultivate safe, beautiful, and complete communities.

Planned Growth
Thriving Communities
Environmental Stewardship
Expected outcome benefits
  • Beautiful, surprising places with high standards
  • Engaging cultural, historic, and civic amenities
  • Integrated natural spaces and trail systems
  • Safe, welcoming, and diverse communities
  • Comprehensive land use and infrastructure planning
  • Conservation of natural areas and agricultural lands
Key initiatives
  • Agriculture Master Plan — Q3 2023 to Q2 2025
    Develop a master plan and strategic growth and diversification framework for the current and future agriculture sector.
  • Fire Master Plan — Q4 2023 to Q1 2025
    Develop a 20-year master plan and strategic framework for fire services.
  • Municipal Development Plan: Regional Alignment —Q3 2023 to Q4 2024
    Update Sturgeon County’s Municipal Development Plan in alignment with local strategic direction and regional policy.
  • Municipal Land Strategy — Q2 2023 to Q4 2024
    Develop a municipal land strategy and a flexible model to assess land encroachment impacts.
Enhancements to core services
  • Fire Services Effectiveness
    Enhance fire service effectiveness with more robust water sources in rural areas and application of alternative fire suppression techniques.
  • Animal Control Expansion
    Enhance animal control capacity with resource expansion and partnerships.
  • Enforcement Collaboration
    Improve the safety of residents with a renewed collaborative relationship with enforcement partners.
  • Park and Trail Enhancement
    Leverage data to strengthen operational maintenance and services within park and trail open spaces.
  • Firefighter Safety
    Implement enhanced fire safety capabilities through improved Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus provision and enhanced training.
  • Open Space Magnification
    Amplify open space information, route, and wayfinding.
  • Open Space Land Management
    Create and assess inventory for land cover, environmentally sensitive areas, and park land encroachment.
  • Regional Fire and Enforcement Relationship
    Improve intermunicipal relationships for an operationally effective and efficient regional fire and enforcement services system.

Clean Energy Economic Ecosystem

To support long-term transition to a low carbon economy, prioritizing hydrogen and other clean energy production.

Planned Growth
Environmental Stewardship
Collaborative Excellence
Expected outcome benefits
  • Internationally competitive to attract, grow, and sustain diverse business
  • Clean air, land, and water
  • Sustainable development
  • Partnerships with industry and others to drive emission reductions
  • Meaningful connections with Indigenous communities
Key initiatives
  • Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP) — Q2 2021 to Q4 2024
    Provide access to financial and other resources for residents and business to make energy efficient building improvements.
  • Sturgeon Valley Hydrogen Development Initiation — Q4 2022 to Q1 2025
    Position Sturgeon Valley South as a clean energy community, with complementary partnerships and test sites for home heating, fueling, and smart infrastructure.
  • Sturgeon Valley Hydrogen Development Implementation — Q2 2025 to Q4 2029
    Implement Sturgeon Valley South clean energy test sites for home heating, fueling, and smart infrastructure.
Enhancements to core services
  • Hydrogen Apprenticeship Development
    Explore partnerships with trades schools to promote hydrogen apprenticeships.

Carbon Neutral Municipal Operations

To achieve carbon-neutral municipal operations by considering benchmarks that reflect Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) measures.

Environmental Stewardship
Collaborative Excellence
Operational excellence
Expected outcome benefits
  • Carbon neutral municipal practices
  • Partnerships with industry and others to drive emission reductions
  • Conservation of natural areas and agricultural lands
  • Transparent and action-oriented decision-making based on sound rationale
  • Integrated strategic and business planning
Key initiatives
  • Clean Fuel Demonstration and Partnership — Q2 2023 to Q3 2025
    Develop academic and industry partnerships to demonstrate clean fuel implementation within the community.
  • Municipal Fleet Dual Fuel Conversion Pilot — Q2 2025 to Q4 2027
    Implement pilot program to strategically convert a small subset of vehicles and test the outcomes.
  • Record Digitization — Q4 2020 to Q4 2025
    Implement a well-defined digitization plan that will convert paper to electronic files for improved efficiencies in access, use, storage, and management of records and will convert paper forms to digitized workflows.
Enhancements to core services
  • Energy Management Strategy
    Develop a strategy and policy to guide facility energy plans and decision-making.
  • Energy Monitoring
    Utilize grant funding for facility sub-metering and monitoring dashboard to analyze energy use trends and roadmap specific improvements.
  • Energy Use Benchmarking
    Benchmark County and utility facility energy use for regional comparison and improvement plan development.
  • Facility Energy Efficiency
    Investigate and implement HVAC, building envelope, water heating, and lighting system efficiency improvements in County buildings.
  • Fire Service Environmental Impact
    Utilize environmentally friendly foam application for controlling fire in industrial area and wildland.
  • Fire Services Tools and Equipment
    Develop a plan to replace gas powered hand and rescue tools and equipment with battery operated solutions.
  • Renewable Energy System
    Investigate a renewable energy system plan at County Centre.

Sustainable, Thoughtful Decisions

To embed thoughtful long-range financial and operational planning into decision-making processes.

Thriving Communities
Collaborative Excellence
Expected outcome benefits
  • Transparent and action-oriented decision-making based on sound rationale
  • Future-focused thinking to proactively respond to emerging opportunities and challenges
  • Long-term financial planning and sustainability
  • Careful debt and reserve stewardship
  • Integrated strategic and business planning
Key initiatives
  • Enterprise Resource Planning — Q1 2023 to Q1 2024
    Plan and receive approval on a multi-year core system replacement project.
  • Facility Master Plan — Q1 2023 to Q2 2025
    Complete a comprehensive evaluation of existing County facility needs and develop a long-range growth plan.
  • Financial Reserve Framework Analysis — Q1 2021 to Q4 2024
    Conduct a comprehensive long-range financial plan review and analysis of the organization’s financial reserve framework, reserve classifications, and target balances.
  • Financial System Replacement — Q2 2024 to Q4 2027
    Execute a multi-year core financial system replacement project.
  • Off-Site Levy Policy Review — Q1 2020 to Q1 2024
    Review and develop recommendations on updating the organization’s Off-Site Levy Bylaws, processes, policies, and frameworks.
  • Regulated Assessment Review — Q3 2021 to Q4 2024
    Complete a technical review and audit of the non-residential assessment process on transparency and equitability.
  • Strategic Plan Renewal — Q1 2025 to Q1 2026
    Review and update Council’s Strategic Plan.
  • Sturgeon Valley Operational Impact Review — Q3 2026 to Q3 2028
    Complete an analysis of program, staff, and community implications associated with Sturgeon Valley growth.
  • Sturgeon Valley Urban Facility Review — Q2 2025 to Q3 2026
    Prepare a forecast for urban facility requirements in the Sturgeon Valley.
  • Villeneuve Airport Capital Plan — Q1 2024 to Q4 2024
    Advance capital planning to facilitate the next steps in Villeneuve Airport Area development.
Enhancements to core services
  • Master Plan Inventory
    Implement Master Plan Inventory roadmap and process.
  • Open Space Funding Alternatives
    Leverage cost sharing and alternative grant and partnership fund sources for open space initiatives.

Modern, Adaptive Administration

To prioritize municipal workforce and process and policy modernization that supports a productive and future-ready organization.

Collaborative Excellence
Operational excellence
Expected outcome benefits
  • Engaged and effective people – Council, Administration, and Volunteers
  • Continuous learning and improvement mindset
  • Future-focused thinking to proactively respond to emerging opportunities and challenges
  • Clear and supportive governance processes
Key initiatives
  • Communications Audit — Q1 2024 to Q4 2024
    Complete an audit of County communications tools and techniques application.
  • Content Management and Collaboration — Q1 2022 to Q4 2025
    Implement SharePoint as the corporate records management solution and develop standards, guidelines, processes, and employee training.
  • Elected Official Remuneration Review — Q1 2024 to Q3 2024
    Establish and support task force to review Council remuneration in accordance with Policy.
  • Engagement Framework — Q1 2024 to Q4 2024
    Develop standards, tools, and templates for consistent and thoughtful external engagement.
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Directive — Q1 2024 to Q4 2024
    Develop an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Directive that codifies the organization’s commitment to a work environment free of harassment and discrimination.
  • Digital Permitting System — Q4 2022 to Q1 2025
    Implement a digital platform for planning and development submissions.
Enhancements to core services
  • Contract Management Centralization
    Implement an improved contract management access, maintenance, and execution system.
  • Code of Conduct Policy
    Review and update employee, contractor, County Board and Committee, and Council member codes of conduct.
  • Employee Performance Evaluation
    Recommend and implement an updated employee performance evaluation tool to align with identified compensable factors.
  • Fire Service Capability
    Enhance fire service training techniques and capabilities in industrial area and wildland.
  • Information Systems and Preparedness
    Implement disaster recovery, Information Technology, business continuity, and cyber security improvement initiatives.
  • Employee Noise Management
    Incorporate new noise hazard element in the Health and Safety Management System.

Reliable, Effective Infrastructure

To enhance local broadband, emergency, transportation, and recreation infrastructure.

Planned Growth
Thriving Communities
Collaborative Excellence
Operational excellence
Expected outcome benefits
  • Modern broadband and digital capabilities
  • Reliable and effective infrastructure
  • Integrated natural spaces and trail systems
  • Safe, welcoming, and diverse communities
  • Commitment to high quality of life
  • Predictable and stable external relationships
  • Continuous learning and improvement mindset
  • Asset management and performance measurement
Key initiatives
  • Asset Management — Q4 2019 to Q4 2025
    Implement utility, agriculture, and pavement preservation and evaluation asset management capabilities.
  • Broadband — Q1 2024 to Q4 2027
    Prepare a recommendation and implement Council direction on expanding high-speed internet access in areas outside of Phase One.
  • County Park Feasibility Study — Q1 2024 to Q2 2025
    Complete a delivery and park provision feasibility study on neighbourhood and County parks.
  • General Municipal Servicing Standard (GMSS) — Q4 2021 to Q1 2024
    Develop an updated GMSS that identifies infrastructure construction design parameters that consider forecasted growth.
  • Open Space Asset Management — Q1 2024 to Q1 2025
    Develop an asset management plan and asset inventory for all County open spaces.
  • Parks Bylaw — Q1 2024 to Q2 2025
    Develop new parks bylaw to address the use of all County parks, trails, and open spaces.
Enhancements to core services
  • Multi-Year Capital Plan
    Continue to refine the 3-year Capital Plan process.
  • Open Space Initiative Engagement
    Implement public engagement techniques for every open space capital improvement.
  • Paved Road Repair
    Improve asphalt repair time and equipment needs by utilizing new technology and process techniques.

Diversified Revenue and Partnerships

To realize opportunities for alternative revenue generation and shared efficiencies through innovative new models and partnerships.

Planned Growth
Environmental Stewardship
Operational excellence
Expected outcome benefits
  • Tenacious focus on new growth and innovation
  • Alternative revenue generation and service delivery models
  • Comprehensive land use and infrastructure planning
  • Circular economy opportunities
  • Future-focused thinking to proactively respond to emerging opportunities and challenges
Key initiatives
  • Waste to Resource Framework – Q1 2023 to Q2 2025
    Develop a regional Waste to Resource program that manages and converts waste into usable products.
  • Waste to Resource Implementation – Q2 2025 to Q4 2026
    Commence capital construction of a regional Waste to Resource facility.
Enhancements to core services
  • Sturgeon Regional Partnership
    Develop shared efficiencies and cost-saving partnerships within the Sturgeon County sub-region.

Economical, Desirable Services

To ensure residents will be offered cost-effective and highly valued services.

Thriving Communities
Collaborative Excellence
Operational excellence
Expected outcome benefits
  • Commitment to high quality of life
  • Healthy and resilient
  • Ongoing community consultation and engagement
  • Quality, cost-effective service delivery
  • Continuous learning and improvement mindset
  • Integrated strategic and business planning
Key initiatives
  • Fleet and Facility Services Optimization Review — Q1 2024 to Q4 2024
    Complete an optimization and future growth review on Fleet and Facility Services.
  • Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICFs) — Q4 2023 to Q2 2025
    Renew collaboration agreements with neighboring municipalities, as required by provincial legislation.
  • Intermunicipal Recreation Agreements — Q1 2024 to Q4 2025
    Engage with municipal neighbours on future recreation agreements.
Enhancements to core services
  • Arboriculture and Horticulture
    Develop and expand the arboriculture and horticulture programs to align more with urban neighbours.
  • Annual Planter Program
    Expand the offerings of the annual planter program.
  • Development Enforcement
    Review and increase enforcement support to residents, to address safety and beautification needs across the community.
  • Development Variance
    Review the development variance process to optimize timeliness, cost efficiency, customer service, and overall effectiveness.
  • Integrated Development Service
    Expand and improve engineering services to meet the needs of growing and higher density development areas.
  • Utility Smart Meter
    Facilitate real-time meter reading, anomaly investigation, and proactive communication with residents.
  • Utility Meter Self-Service
    Implement the phased rollout of a utility customer self-service metering portal.
  • Utility Service Request
    Launch utility service request system where residents can enter requests and monitor progress.
  • Winter Road Maintenance
    Improve winter road conditions by utilizing new technology and enhanced maintenance processes.

Our Plans

Other Strategies and Plans

A fire advisory is in effect for Sturgeon County due to high temperatures and lack of precipitation.

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