Broadband Status and Updates

A snapshot of the Broadband projects ongoing progress and the most up to date information on current and upcoming construction locations.

Construction is undertaken by four major crews, Transport, Access, Drop and the team responsible for installation and activation.

Ready for your ONT installation and activation?
Once your drop installation is complete you are ready to contact Canadian Fibre Optics Corporation to have your Optical Network Terminal (ONT) installed and activated, 1-888-236-2947

Project Updates

View our Broadband Construction Map for live updates from our construction crews, to see an overview of the ongoing project process.

Frequently Asked Questions: Connecting to the Network
Can I get fibre to my home?

Yes, fibre can be extended to your home or business on a cost-shared basis. The land owner would be responsible for the conduit, installation and related components and the County would be responsible for providing and lighting up the fibre itself.

How much will it cost me to get the fibre extended?

The County is developing an estimator program to help you decide if it is something you would like to pursue further. More information will be coming out on this soon.

Can I supply and install the conduit myself on my property?

You can install your own conduit on your property as long as you follow County guidelines. However, on County property, including road allowances, you will have to pay for the installation to be done by Canadian Fibre Optics Corporation.

Is there provincial or federal government funding available?

There is currently no provincial or federal government program to help cover the costs.

Are there County financing options?

Unfortunately, this is not an option available to Sturgeon County under municipal legislation in Alberta.

Why can’t it be put on our taxes and paid over time?

Unfortunately, this is not an option available to Sturgeon County under municipal legislation in Alberta.

Will it be a better deal if my neighbours pay to have fibre to their houses as well?

Yes, the shared portion of the route will be split between the parties having it installed. Costs will be lowest if it is built at the same time. We encourage you to discuss this option with your neighbours.

Are there other options for me to receive internet other than the fibre network?

You can continue to use your current provider in the same manner, or search for other internet service providers in the area. As some residents and businesses move on to the County’s fibre network, this may free up wireless capacity on the existing networks in your area.

I initially said that I did not want fibre to my home, but I changed my mind. Can my address be added to the construction schedule?

There was a one-time retrofit program to install fibre to some homes and businesses that is now complete. As that program is over, any new fibre installations are chargeable to the home or business owner.

Will there be more areas added in the future?

Expansion of the service in the southwestern portion of the County is not being contemplated at this time.

Who should I contact if I want to add fibre to my property?

Send us an mail to discuss how you can have fibre installed to your property.