Construction Updates – January 22, 2024

Transport Fibre (connects subdivisions, hamlets and industrial parks together)

  • Transport construction is complete.

Access Fibre (runs by each premise in a subdivision, hamlet or industrial park)

  • Pro North – ATCO has issued the pipeline crossing agreement. CFOC is creating the work plan with 4-5 days of work expected in this area.
  • All other access construction is complete.

Drop fibre (connects the access fibre to the premise)

  • Drops will continue in the Meadowview Drive area as soon as the weather permits.
  • We have the crossing agreement in place for the last few drops in the Fairhavens.
  • Most of the drops left require pipeline crossing agreements and special installation procedures.

Splicing (connecting the fiber segments into one continuous length)

  • Splicing along the mainline between Villeneuve is anticipated to be finished up by the end of January or early February. Splicing in very cold weather is not recommended as it requires moving and bending the frozen fibre cables, which can break.

ONT installation (the last step before service is available to a premise)

  • Installations are scheduled for this week on the west side of Villeneuve.

Sturgeon County offices will be closed for Monday, October 14. County offices and facilities will re-open Tuesday, October 15 for regular business hours 8:30AM - 4:30PM.

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