Agribusiness & Agritourism Review Task Force

The Agribusiness and Agritourism Review Task Force will provide Sturgeon County with a better understanding of how to support and grow our local agribusiness and agritourism industry.

A nine-member task force, including seven community members and two members of Council, will directly support the review. Committee members were selected because of their expertise and experience in the agribusiness and agritourism sectors within Sturgeon County.

The task force’s mandate is to do the following:

  • conduct a review of local, provincial and national agribusiness and agritourism regulatory best practices
  • identify the needs and expectations of Sturgeon County’s businesses and landowners
  • provide recommendations on how to support and implement potential regulations and policy

Council accepted the Agribusiness and Agritourism Review Task Force Final Recommendations Report as information on April 12, 2022.

Learn more about the Agribusiness and Agritourism Review.

Meeting Minutes

Task Force Membership

Council Members

  • Deanna Stang
  • Mayor Alanna Hnatiw

Community Members

  • Tam Andersen
  • David Benjestorf
  • Richard Boissonneault
  • Mark Chuiko
  • Deb Foisy
  • Cathy Gilbert
  • Andrew Rosychuk


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