Sturgeon County Council Recap | April 25, 2023

2022 Audited Financial Statements

Council received a presentation from the County’s auditors, MNP LLP, outlining their findings and recommendations following their audit of the County’s financials. Following the presentation, Council approved the 2022 Audited Financial Statements. As part of the presentation, Administration noted there was an operating surplus of $5,003,593, which Council directed be transferred to the General Operating Reserve for future allocation.

Council Funding Summary and Reallocations

Council approved reallocation of 2022 capital project savings in the amount of $9,916,897 to fund additional 2023 capital projects in the amount of $6,691,125 with the balance of $3,225,772 to go into reserves. Administration noted that $65 million was spent in 2022, with 69 projects completed and four projects cancelled. As a result, the County was able to save $12.3 million, with $2.4 million in restricted funds, leaving a balance of $9.9 million available for reallocation or to flow back to its original reserve for future allocation.

Council also approved moving $4,476,885 from the 2024 capital budget to 2023 in order to complete two construction projects this year: expanding the road reconstruction project on Range Road 220 from Township Road 570 to Redwater at a cost of $4,200,000, and expanding the Township Road 564 reconstruction project to include replacement of the culvert for the existing bridge at a cost of $276,885 (Bridge File 00889).

Council also approved removing $400,000 in the capital budget for both 2023 and 2024 that had been earmarked for the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) Program. Council agreed to remove these funds from the budget as future facility work is still being contemplated and considered by Council.

County Centre Upgrades

Council approved the proposed renovation design and budget for renovations to the Cardiff Room and front reception areas at Sturgeon County Centre, for a total of $608,457. The renovations will improve security, make public spaces more accessible, and modernize public spaces at the County Administration Building.Land Use Bylaw Amendments

  • Council gave first reading of Bylaw 1627/23 which proposes to redistrict 9.5 acres in the northwest corner of E½ NW-34-54-25- W4M from AG – Agricultural District to RVS – Recreational Vehicle Storage District in order to accommodate a proposed RV Storage business adjacent to Highway 37. The application includes a concept plan outlining the storage of 45 recreational vehicles (RVs) and provides details for the proposed site grading and fill for the storage area, and where culverts will be placed for drainage purposes. A public hearing will be scheduled before Council considers the bylaw further. Details on the public hearing will be posted on the Public Notices page on the Sturgeon County website.

Fast facts about land use bylaw amendments and public hearings:

  • At Sturgeon County, before Council seeks public feedback on a proposed land use bylaw amendment, Council gives first reading of the proposed bylaw. This does not mean Council supports the bylaw, but that Council is agreeing for the proposed bylaw to proceed to the next stage of the bylaw process, being receipt of public feedback.
  • Public hearings are open to any members of the public, but in considering feedback, Council must consider how and the degree to which the person making a written submission or speaking at a public hearing is affected by the proposal.
  • Anyone wishing to provide comments on a proposed bylaw can submit them in writing in advance, attend the Council Meeting in person, or participate virtually.
  • For more details and to register for a public hearing, call Legislative Services at 780-939-8277.
  • Public hearings, along with other public notices, are posted on the Public Notices page on our website.
Next Council Meeting

The next Sturgeon County Council meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. on May 9, 2023.

Future agendas and past meeting minutes can be found online.

Sturgeon County offices will be closed for Monday, October 14. County offices and facilities will re-open Tuesday, October 15 for regular business hours 8:30AM - 4:30PM.

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