Resource Extraction Bylaw Amendments, Public Hearing Scheduled
Administration presented proposed amendments to Bylaw 1607/22, which would change the setback requirements within the RE – Resource Extraction District. As these amendments are substantive, a second public hearing is required and is scheduled for June 22, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. Details on the public hearing will be posted on the Public Notices page on the Sturgeon County website.
Land Use Bylaw Amendments – Sturgeon Valley South Land Use Districts
Administration presented proposed amendments to Bylaw 1609/23 – Sturgeon Valley South Land Use Districts – to address concerns raised by a landowner within Planning Area 5 during the April 11, 2023, Public Hearing. A second Public Hearing is scheduled for June 13, 2023, to receive feedback from affected parties on the proposed Bylaw as amended. Details on the public hearing will be posted on the Public Notices page on the Sturgeon County website.
Public Notification Bylaw
Council passed the Public Notification Bylaw 1618/23, which establishes the means in which Sturgeon County will notify the public on land use and other matters as outlined by the Municipal Government Act. The Bylaw acknowledges many residents are accessing information through newer channels, including online, and recognizes the impact of the continued decline of the print newspaper industry. The new bylaw provides a higher level of public notification than is currently required by section 606 of the MGA and exceeds current Administrative practices. The Bylaw will be brought forward for review within one year of being passed for Council to confirm that the means of public notification prescribed in the Bylaw continue to be appropriate.
Enforcement Services Agreement – SV of
Council approved entering into an agreement with the Summer Village of Sandy Beach for enforcement services, not including animal control, for a one-year term starting June 1, 2023. Under the agreement, the Summer Village will receive 150 hours of Enforcement Services for an annual cost of $17,988. The summer village of Sandy Beach is located on Highway 642 bordering Sturgeon County and Alexander First Nation and has
approximately 278 residents.
Contract Award – Agriculture Services Modular Office
Council awarded the contract for the purchase of a new Agriculture Services modular office to MODUS Structures at a contract price of $526,251.15. The new modular office was needed as the current space is too small to meet the department’s needs and lacks key amenities such as washrooms and other accessibility requirements for both staff and residents accessing the office. Council also approved $226,251.15 in additional funding to cover costs primarily due to inflationary pressures including construction, supply, delivery, and utility hookups.
Public Hearing – RV Storage
Council held a public hearing for Bylaw 1627/23 which proposes to redistrict 9.5 acres in the northwest corner of E½ NW-34-54-25- W4M from AG – Agricultural District to RVS – Recreational Vehicle Storage District in order to accommodate a proposed RV Storage business adjacent to Highway 37. Council will consider the Bylaw further at a future Council meeting.
Public Hearing Continuation – Resource Extraction
Public hearings were continued from the May 9 Council Meeting for bylaws proposing redistricting for resource extraction operations. The public hearings were extended due to an error in notifying adjacent landowners.
- Bylaw 1621/23– Redistricting of a Portion of SW-28-54-27-W4M from AG – Agriculture District to RE – Resource Extraction District. The applicant is proposing to amend Land Use Bylaw 1385/17 to facilitate a natural resource extraction operation. The subject land is 61.13 hectares (151.05 acres) and has a residence located to the west of the parcel adjacent to Range Road 274. The applicant intends to redistrict approximately 25.75 hectares (63.63 acres) from AG – Agriculture District to RE – Resource Extraction District, which would create split zoning on the parcel.
- Bylaw 1622/23 – Redistricting of a Portion of N-27-54-27-W4M from AG – Agriculture District to RE – Resource Extraction District. The applicant is proposing to amend Land Use Bylaw 1385/17 to facilitate a natural resource extraction operation. The proposed redistricting mostly includes lands within NE-27-54-27-4; however, also includes a small portion of land within NW-27-54-27-4, totaling 6.19 hectares (15.30 acres). The subject area is currently districted AG – Agriculture and the applicant intends to redistrict to RE – Resource Extraction, which would create split zoning on the parcels.
Council will consider the submissions made at the Public Hearings and will make a decision regarding the Bylaws at a future Council Meeting.
Funding for Alcomdale Infrastructure Repairs
Council approved funding up to $100,000 to cover the cost of urgent repairs to the Alcomdale Water Co-op infrastructure. The County will seek to recover the costs from responsible parties and/or insurance.
Fast facts about land use bylaw amendments and public hearings
View our webpage about land use planning and community engagement.
- At Sturgeon County, before Council gets public feedback on a proposed land use bylaw amendment, it gives the proposed bylaw first reading. This does not mean Council supports the bylaw; this allows the proposed bylaw to go to the next stage of the bylaw process, which is gathering public input.
- Public hearings, along with other public notices, are promoted on the public notices page on the Sturgeon County website as well as in local newspapers.
- Public hearings are open to any members of the public to view or provide input.
- Viewing the public hearing: You can view the hearing in-person or via livestream at
- Making a written submission: you can provide a written submission by email up to the close of the public hearing.
- Speaking at the public hearing: you can provide a statement at the public hearing in person or via videoconference. You are encouraged to pre-register to speak in-person at the public hearing. If you wish to speak via videoconference, you must register at least 24 hours prior to the opening of the public hearing. Register by contacting Legislative Services at 780-939-8277.
- When considering public input, Council considers how and to what degree the person is impacted by the proposed amendment.
Next Council Meeting
The next Sturgeon County Council meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. on June 13, 2023.
Future agendas and past meeting minutes can be found on the Sturgeon County website.