Statement from Mayor Alanna Hnatiw regarding the loss of Fedorah Hall

On behalf of Sturgeon County, I offer condolences to our friends and neighbours on the loss of Fedorah Hall in the early morning fire on December 30, 2022. While we are thankful no people were injured, we acknowledge that the community is experiencing a great loss.

Fedorah Hall had served Sturgeon County since 1935. It represented our strong community connections and was part of the history and identity of the area. Over the decades, it was a popular place to host celebrations of life and love, reunite with our friends and families, and gather to talk about important issues. The hall was well used and well loved.

I would like to express my gratitude to the members of the Fedorah Ivan Franko Education Society, who have dedicated much of their time and attention to the hall’s upkeep. We appreciate your efforts to maintain the property and provide a place to support Ukrainian culture, history, and heritage in the region. The work you do is valued by many in our community.

I would also like to thank the members of the Sturgeon County Emergency Services, including Station 5 (Bon Accord), Gibbons Fire Department, Stations 3 (Legal) and Station 7 (Redwater) and on-call duty officer Lt MacSween who responded to the fire. We are proud of your work and grateful for your efforts.


Fedorah Hall was a landmark in the community, situated across from the Saint John Orthodox Church just west of Bon Accord and north on Lily Lake Road. It was built in 1935 and was named after the Ukrainian poet and political and civic leader Ivan Franko (b Aug. 27/1856; d May 28, 1916).