Sturgeon County Council Recap: Jan. 16, 2024 

Here are the highlights from Sturgeon County Council’s regular meeting on January 16, 2024. 

Public hearing: road closure for portion of Range Road 222 

Council held a public hearing for Bylaw 1638/23 so the public could provide input before Council considers the proposed bylaw further. The applicant, Cando Rail Terminals, proposes to close a portion of Range Road 222 between Township Road 555 and Township Road 560 to enable business expansion. As a result of the proposed road closure, Cando proposes to develop a bypass around its site. Council will consider the presentations and submissions at the public hearing, and will make a decision at a future Council meeting. 

Land use matters 

Council defeated second reading for Bylaw 1635/23 and directed Administration to work with the applicant to identify opportunities for appropriate land districting for future Council consideration. The applicant proposed to redistrict 1.77 hectares (4.39 acres) of land at 55013 Highway 825 near the Sturgeon Industrial Park from AG – Agriculture District to DC24 – Direct Control District 24 to support the expansion of a trucking business. 

Council gave first reading for Bylaw 1646/23 to close a portion of lane located on land owned by the Alcomdale Community League. The undeveloped lane – located within Block 3, Plan 866 CG – runs through land that has historically been used for recreational purposes. Closing this lane would bring land title and road plan registrations into alignment with the property’s use since the 1940s; the road allowance would be sold to the property owner at a cost of $1. Following a public hearing, Council will consider the proposed bylaw and will make a decision at a future Council meeting. 

Council authorized the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign a resolution to close a portion of road near the Glory Hills subdivision. The road – located off Township Road 544 west of Range Road 280 – is not used for public travel and will be consolidated into SE24 54-28-4, as indicated in a prior agreement with the landowner. 

Council Remuneration Task Force 

Council gave first reading for Bylaw 1636/24 to establish the Council Remuneration Task Force. This task force would be responsible for the following: 

  • making recommendations to Council on appropriate compensation for elected officials, including salary, benefits, pensions, allowances, and other forms of compensation 
  • providing recommendations for changes to related policies 

This task force would include five members of the public. Council will further consider the proposed bylaw at a future Council meeting. 

Agriculture Master Plan engagement and communications 

Council approved the engagement and communications plan that will support the development of Sturgeon County’s Agriculture Master Plan. This plan will identify a long-term vision and desired sector outcomes to ensure the agricultural sector continues to thrive in Sturgeon County. As the County develops this plan, it will share information and engage with the public to consider its feedback. More information will be available at 

Digital Permitting Solution contract awarded 

Council awarded the Digital Permitting Solution contract to ESRI Canada Limited. This project will help Sturgeon County offer digital permitting to the public, which will be used alongside the existing manual, paper-based and face-to-face processes. This provides greater flexibility to customers, while increasing accuracy and efficiency, and reducing turnaround time for permit decisions. 

Next Council Meeting 

The next Sturgeon County Council meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on January 30, 2024. Future agendas and past meeting minutes can be found online

Fast facts about land use bylaw amendments and public hearings 

View our webpage about land use planning and community engagement. 

  • At Sturgeon County, before Council gets public feedback on a proposed land use bylaw amendment, it gives the proposed bylaw first reading. This does not mean Council supports the bylaw; this allows the proposed bylaw to go to the next stage of the bylaw process, which is gathering public input. 
  • Public hearings, along with other public notices, are promoted on the public notices page on the Sturgeon County website as well as in local newspapers, on social media, and on road signs in accordance with the Public Notification Bylaw
  • Public hearings are open to any members of the public to view or provide input. 
    • Viewing the public hearing: You can view the hearing in-person or via livestream at 
    • Making a written submission: you can provide a written submission by email up to the close of the public hearing. 
    • Speaking at the public hearing: you can provide a statement at the public hearing in person or via videoconference. You are encouraged to pre-register to speak in-person at the public hearing. If you wish to speak via videoconference, you must register at least 24 hours prior to the opening of the public hearing. Register by contacting Legislative Services at 780-939-8277. 
  • When considering public input, Council considers how and to what degree the person is impacted by the proposed amendment. 
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