Resource Extraction
Council gave first reading of two bylaws related to the regulation of sand and gravel extraction within the County. Bylaw 1607/22 proposes maintaining current setbacks – 400 metres from a residence and 800 metres from a multi-lot residential subdivision – in the existing resource extraction land use district. It would also set new standards for transportation, hauling, community consultation and more. This bylaw also proposes a new land use district for resource extraction that could see reduced setbacks if supported by scientific evaluation, landowner consultation and other requirements. These changes would help balance support of the sand and gravel industry with the need to protect residents’ health, safety and quality of life.
Bylaw 1608/22 would repeal the Calahoo-Villeneuve Sand and Gravel Area Structure Plan; this plan is more than 20 years old and all the policy has been implemented.
Council also directed Administration to develop a communications and education plan for the implementation of the proposed bylaws. A public hearing will be held before Council considers second reading of the bylaws.
Proposed amendments for Sturgeon Valley
Council gave first reading of Bylaw 1610/23, which proposes to amend the Sturgeon Valley Core Area Structure Plan (Sturgeon Valley Core ASP) to provide clarification on subdivision and infill densities. This ensures existing servicing infrastructure can support future development in the Sturgeon Valley Core and that development aligns with the original vision set in the ASP.
Council also gave first reading of Bylaw 1613/23, which proposes to amend the subdivision requirements for the Country Estate Residential District and limit the subdivision of existing lots within the Valley Core. This ensures the subdivision requirements for the district align with the proposed subdivision and infill densities.
A public hearing will be held for both bylaws so the public can provide feedback on the proposed changes.
Public Hearings Council held public hearings on two separate land use matters:
- Proposal to redistrict parcel from Agriculture to Country Residential: the subject property (portion of SW-36-54-25-W4M) is 5.13 acres in size and is located between the multi-lot subdivisions of Richfield Estates and Green Acres and is bordered by other R1 – Country Residential parcels to the north, east, and south. Council will consider the presentations and the submissions and will make a decision at a future Council Meeting.
- Proposal to redistrict parcel from Agriculture to Institutional: the request is to redistrict 8.9 acres of agricultural land (a Portion of Lot 3, Block 1, Plan 0324168) to facilitate the relocation of a church from St. Albert. Council will consider the presentations and the submissions and will make a decision regarding the application at a future Council Meeting.
Next Council Meeting
The next Sturgeon County Council meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. on February 14, 2023.
Future agendas and past meeting minutes can be found online.