Mayor Alanna Hnatiw proclaimed September 18 to 22 as Alberta Development Officers Week in Sturgeon County.
Public hearing – Bylaw 1624/23
Council held a public hearing for Bylaw 1624/23 for the public to provide input before Council considers the proposed bylaw further. The applicant would like to operate an event venue on their land at 26127 Highway 633 (NW-11-54-26-4); this land is currently zoned as AG – Agriculture District. To operate an event venue in Sturgeon County, land must be zoned AG2 – Agriculture 2 District. Council will consider the presentations and submissions and will make a decision at a future Council meeting.
Land Use Bylaw matters
Council did not support a landowner’s proposal to operate a disc golf facility on their property. Bylaw 1628/23 proposed to redistrict a portion of land near Range Road 240 and Township Road 570 (NW-06-57-23-W4M; Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 1722474) from AG – Agriculture District to Direct Control District 23.
Council gave first reading of Bylaw 1633/23, which proposes to redistrict 56210 Range Road 253 (Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 1220583) from AG – Agriculture District to AG2 – Agriculture 2 District with the intent of operating an event venue. This parcel is located roughly two kilometres north of the Town of Morinville near Highway 2, with direct access via Range Road 253. To operate an event venue in Sturgeon County, land must be zoned as AG2 – Agriculture 2 District. If the redistricting is successful, the applicant could then apply to develop an event venue. A public hearing will be scheduled and will allow adjacent landowners to provide their feedback before Council considers the proposed bylaw further. Details of the public hearing will be posted on the public notices page on the Sturgeon County website.
Request for reduction of property taxes rejected
Council refused a request from Trestle’s Edge Inc./Meadowview Golf & Country Club for reduction of or cancellation of taxes due to road construction and closures on Meadowview Drive and Cunningham Bridge.
Mid-year financial report accepted
Council accepted the 2023 Mid-Year Financial Report as information, and approved a $4-million transfer from taxation revenue to the general operating reserve to be used to offset revenue losses resulting from reduced assessments through the assessment complaint process.
Assessment review boards chair appointed
Council appointed Lee Danchuk as chair of the Local Assessment Review Board and Composite Assessment Review Board. Council selects a chair each year from amongst members of the Assessment Review Board.
Presentations to Council
Council received an update from the Morinville Community Library and received information about ongoing and upcoming programming available to Sturgeon County residents.
Fast facts about land use bylaw amendments and public hearings:
- At Sturgeon County, before Council seeks public feedback on a proposed land use bylaw amendment, Council gives first reading of the proposed bylaw. This does not mean Council supports the bylaw, but that Council is agreeing for the proposed bylaw to proceed to the next stage of the bylaw process, being receipt of public feedback.
- Public hearings are open to any members of the public, but in considering feedback, Council must consider how and the degree to which the person making a written submission or speaking at a public hearing is affected by the proposal.
- Anyone wishing to provide comments on a proposed bylaw can submit them in writing in advance, attend the Council Meeting in person, or participate virtually.
- For more details and to register for a public hearing, call Legislative Services at 780-939-8277.
- Public hearings, along with other public notices, are posted on the Public Notices page on our website.
Next Council Meeting
The next Sturgeon County Council meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. on September 26, 2023.
Future agendas and past meeting minutes can be found online.