County Council approves 2024 property tax rates

Sturgeon County Council approved a 1.37 per cent municipal tax rate increase. This means a property valued at $500,000 will pay $26 more in municipal taxes in 2024. A business valued at $1 million will pay $148 more.

Property taxes help pay for municipal services, including snow clearing, road and bridge construction and maintenance, parks and trail improvements, drainage infrastructure, animal control, and much more. Some highlights from Sturgeon County’s 2024 Budget include:

  • New investment in much needed fire services equipment to elevate community safety.
  • Open space development with construction of pathways enhancing recreational access for residents.
  • Major Infrastructure improvements including:
    • Paving of Range Road 231 from Gibbonslea subdivision north to the railway tracks.
    • Paving of Range Road 251 from south of the Cardiff Golf Course to the entrance on Carbondale Road. 

“This year’s budget and tax rate demonstrates we are not without our challenges and must react to maintain service levels amid rising costs outside of our control,” said Mayor Alanna Hnatiw. “While we understand any increase may be challenging for residents and business owners, we believe this is a responsible and balanced decision that allows us to deliver on our commitments now and into the future.”

Sturgeon County’s 2024 Budget was developed through extensive Council discussion and public input. This budgetary increase ensures the County can continue delivering needed services while being mindful of the tax burden on residents. 

Sturgeon County is committed to prudent financial management and the sustainable delivery of critical services for our growing community. In Budget 2024, Council carefully deliberated on various factors including inflationary pressures, infrastructure maintenance and improvement, service delivery levels, and more.

The 1.37 per cent increase is lower than the municipal tax rate previously considered during budget deliberations last December at 2.13 per cent. Since then, increased assessment values and an operating surplus from 2023 allowed Council to reduce the 2.13 per cent tax rate down to 1.37 per cent.

Residents’ final property tax bills are dependent on their property’s assessed value. Assessment details can be viewed online at 

The County is also required to collect additional education, seniors’ lodging and Designated Industrial Property (DIP) tax on behalf of the Government of Alberta.

Learn more about the property assessment and tax program at

Related News:

Council approves 2024 budget, sets municipal tax rate increase
Budget 2024 Update
County recommends its first multi-year budget

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A fire advisory is in effect for Sturgeon County due to high temperatures and lack of precipitation.

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