
Sturgeon County’s bylaws and policies help maintain the health, safety and well-being of the entire community. Policies are Council statements that guide decision-making on municipal matters.


Can’t find what you’re looking for? Email us or call 780-939-4321.


For bylaw enforcement, call 780-939-8418.

Bylaw 1546-21: Sturgeon County and Town of Legal Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP)
Bylaw 1632-23: Land Use Amendment Efficiency and Effectiveness
Bylaw 1140-07: Industrial Heartland Transportation Off-Site Levy
Bylaw 1641-23: 2024 Fees and Charges Bylaw (Fee Schedule)
Bylaw 1629-23: Estates Way Debenture Bylaw
Bylaw 1625-23: 2023 Taxation Rates Bylaw
Bylaw 1620-23: R7 Transitional Valley Residential District Amendment
Bylaw 1618-23: Public Notification Bylaw
Bylaw 1616-23: Civic Addressing Bylaw
Bylaw 1614-22: St. Albert – Sturgeon County Intermunicipal Affairs Committee Bylaw
Bylaw 1613-23: R2 District Subdivision Regulations Amendment
Bylaw 1610-23: Sturgeon Valley South Land Use Districts
Bylaw 1609-23: Sturgeon Valley South Land Use Districts
Bylaw 1608-22: Repeal Calahoo-Villeneuve Sand and Gravel Extraction Area Structure Plan (ASP)
Bylaw 1603-22: Cardiff Park Bylaw
Bylaw 1600-22: Major Investment Incentives Bylaw
Bylaw 1597-22: Diversified Agriculture Amendments to Land Use Bylaw
Bylaw 1579-22: Coal Mine Road Debenture Bylaw
Bylaw 1578-22: Sturgeon Crest Subdivision Road Rehabilitation Debenture Bylaw
Bylaw 1577-22: Range Road 272 Upgrade Debenture Bylaw
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