Interactive map to help create future Transportation Master Plan

As Sturgeon County grows, our transportation needs change. To meet these needs, Sturgeon County is working on a Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The TMP will align forecasted growth with road infrastructure requirements over the next 10 years. 

This is where you come in! You travel our roads daily, either by vehicle, biking, or using the walking paths. We want to know your thoughts on what is working and where you think transportation improvements could be made. 

Your feedback will help Sturgeon County identify:

  • current and future transportation needs, 
  • transportation solutions, and
  • prioritization of investments. 
Map-Interactive-TMP-Traffic Planning

Please visit our interactive online map to drag an icon to a location in the County where you think attention is needed. Categories range from speed concerns to a new crosswalk opportunity. 

The list of options will appear on the right-hand side of the screen, simply click on an icon, and then drag it over to the map of Sturgeon County. A comment box will open, you can add comments and then click save or delete if you want to start over.  

Only your comment and pin location will be saved.  

If you are on a desktop, the website will read the options and instructions to you. Place your cursor over Sturgeon County and press CTL+SHIFT+U. Voice controls are above the web page. 

A fire advisory is in effect for Sturgeon County due to high temperatures and lack of precipitation.

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