- Project category: Drainage
- Division: Division 6
- Status: In progress
Project Description
The Waterdale Dry Pond was constructed in 2023 on County-owned land in the Waterdale Park subdivision. The dry pond was recommended following historic flooding in 2020. A dry pond protects the community from flooding by providing a temporary holding area for stormwater to collect during heavy downpours.
This project page will be updated throughout the project, and you are encouraged to subscribe to receive updates to your email inbox.
After consulting the public, it was decided that the berm height will stay at the current height of 4.5 metres. Sturgeon County is working with a landscape designer to reflect public input in the ultimate design for the area around the dry pond. This landscaping design will be shared with residents once developed.
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What We HeardMarch 26, 2024
Sturgeon County held a public engagement session on Feb. 20, 2024, at the Redwater & District Pioneer Club. Waterdale residents were invited to attend the session via a letter mailed directly to every home.
The purpose of the engagement session was to provide information to residents about the project, answer questions from residents, and gather feedback on the berm height and landscaping design. This feedback was used to determine the final berm height and is being used to help design the landscaping.
Who Engaged
A total of six residents from five households attended the engagement session and another individual shared feedback via email.
What We Asked
Berm Height
Sturgeon County wants to ensure the berm height is supported by most residents. It asked the following question:
- Should the berm stay at 4.5 metres high OR be lowered to 3 metres high?
Sturgeon County wants to ensure the ultimate landscaping of the dry pond reflects residents’ needs and wants. It asked attendees the following questions:
- How do you want to use the area around the dry pond?
- What features are important to you?
What We Heard
Berm height
Sturgeon County received equal feedback in support of the existing berm height, as well as a lowered berm height. Only two stickers were placed on the display boards aimed at selecting the preferred berm height. One attendee indicated they wanted the berm height lowered to 3 metres, while the other attendee indicated they wanted the berm height to stay at 4.5 metres.
The resident who provided input by email indicated there were no concerns with the existing berm height, and a written submission at the engagement session indicated the attendee wanted the berm height to be as low as possible.
We heard general support for landscaping the area to provide a more enjoyable area and a more visually appealing view.
Attendees shared that the following features are important to them:
- sitting area
- trees and shrubs
- walking paths, with connection to both roadway entrances
- area for tobogganing/sledding
Sturgeon County received input from attendees that did not align with the focus of the engagement session. As much as possible, Sturgeon County provided information and responded to questions.
The County heard from one resident who did not support the development of a dry pond. The dry pond has already been constructed in the subdivision to mitigate the impacts of flooding when there are heavy downpours. As such, the dry pond is not being reconsidered.
The County heard from one resident who asked about downstream drainage and how work would be carried out. The County committed to meeting with the attendee individually to discuss drainage and provide an overview of the County’s Drainage Master Plan.
The berm height will stay at the current height of 4.5 metres. Sturgeon County received equal support for the existing berm height as well as a lowered berm height. The cost to lower the berm height was estimated at $200,000. As a result of the minimal and balanced feedback received, and the significant costs to lower the berm height, the berm height will not be lowered.
A taller berm provides the following benefits:
- visual separation from the highway
- sound barrier from highway traffic
- increased privacy
- decreased cost
Sturgeon County is working with a landscape designer to reflect public input in the ultimate design for the area around the dry pond. This landscaping design will be shared with residents once developed.
View the What We Heard Report from the Feb. 20, 2024 engagement session.
Provide Your InputFebruary 20, 2024
View the information sheet presented at the Feb. 20 engagement session.
As the project nears completion, Sturgeon County is gathering public input to:
- Ensure the landscaping of the dry pond considers residents’ needs and wants.
- Ensure the berm height is supported by most residents.
Provide Your Input
Public input received on February 20, 2024, will be used to determine the berm height and to help shape the landscape design of the dry pond area.
The Waterdale Dry Pond has not been landscaped. To build a beautiful space that reflects the needs and aspirations of the community, we’d like your help to
design the landscaping.Public input will help shape the landscaping design.
While budget will be a factor for the landscaping design, we encourage Waterdale residents to think about how they want to use the area around the dry pond. Perhaps it’s a space for residents to walk their dog, toboggan with family, or enjoy peaceful moments in nature. We encourage residents to think about features that can enhance the space, such as benches, xeriscaping or native trees/shrubs.
Berm Height
To develop the dry pond, Sturgeon County had to remove soil. Some of this soil was used for the nearby Range Road 220 construction project and the rest of the soil was used to construct the berm.
The County initially estimated the berm to be three metres high, based on the amount of soil to be removed from the dry pond area and the amount of soil to be used for the Range Road 220 construction project. Less soil was needed for the construction project, which meant more soil would be added to the berm. The existing berm height is roughly 4.5 metres.
We’ve heard from some residents that they want the berm height reduced.
Public input will determine the berm height.
If the berm height is lowered to three metres, the additional soil will be kept in the community where possible, but could be used in other areas. The County will try to recover costs associated with removal to ensure good value for taxes.
A taller berm may provide the following benefits:
- visual separation from the highway
- sound barrier from highway traffic
- increased privacy
- decreased cost
Keeping You Informed
We are committed to keeping you informed as this project moves forward.
We will prepare a What We Heard Report to summarize how your input influenced decisions, and to let you know the final decisions on the berm height and landscaping design. This report will be shared at SturgeonCounty.ca/project/Waterdale, and Waterdale residents will be notified by letter when it is available.
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November 22, 2022November 22, 2022
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July 11, 2022July 11, 2022
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October 22, 2021October 22, 2021
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