Beyond Governance: When Council Engagement Ignites Thriving Business

In 2019, with the support of Sturgeon County’s Economic Development Board (EDAB), Economic Innovation and Growth formalized a Council Business Visitation Program. Touring our local business community allows Council to connect with business owners to build relationships and learn about challenges and opportunities they face.

An engaged Council brings tangible benefits to both existing and potential businesses in the community. By actively participating, Council facilitates open communication and collaboration, allowing businesses to effectively voice their concerns and ideas.

This proactive Council approach showcases a dedication to economic growth, instilling confidence in potential businesses considering investment in the area. Such a responsive stance not only improves the business environment but also nurtures a thriving ecosystem that attracts and sustains enterprises, contributing to lasting success for the local economy.

Spotlight On: August Business Visits

In August, Council business visits took place at Peas on Earth and Birchwood Meadows. Both companies are family run and have exciting projects in the works! It was great to visit with them and learn more about the challenges and opportunities on their horizons.

Look for Peas on Earth at local farmers markets and stop by Birchwood Meadows before their season wraps up mid-October!

It's a long weekend! Sturgeon County offices will be closed Monday, September 2 for Labour Day and re-open Tuesday, September 3 at 8:30AM.

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