Cardiff Park’s roads are getting an upgrade!

Cardiff Park’s interior roads will be rebuilt and paved this summer along with Range Road 251.

During construction, access to the park will be limited to either the north or south depending on the stage of construction with the golf course as the split point. Public access to the Cardiff Golf & Country Club will be maintained throughout construction.

What this Means to You

Agriculture Services is not accepting any reservations for public shelters in Cardiff Park this year due to safety and accessibility concerns arising from the construction activity.

We understand that Cardiff Park is home to many events and sporting activities for Sturgeon Country residents, but we believe the long-term benefits outweigh the temporary inconveniences.

To avoid the construction zone, explore the County! Sturgeon County has a wide variety of parks, playgrounds, and open natural spaces to discover while Cardiff Park is being upgraded.

Stay Up to Date

You can follow the progress by visiting the Cardiff Park construction page on our website and sign up to receive email updates.

To help reschedule your activities, visit our Parks page to discover other playgrounds, ball diamonds, soccer pitches across the County.

We understand that construction work may cause some inconveniences, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.