Public hearing: Bylaw 1649/24 – Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 1385/17

Notification: Bylaw 1650/24 – Sturgeon Industrial Park Area Offsite Levy Bylaw 1548/21

Sturgeon County Council requests public input on proposed Bylaw 1649/24.

In accordance with Section 692 of the Municipal Government Act, Sturgeon County Council requests public input on proposed Bylaw 1649/24. This Bylaw would redistrict a portion of Lot A, Plan 4595NY from AG – Agriculture District to I4 – Medium Industrial Serviced District.

The property owner would like to bring their existing fleet service/ trucking business, located at 55013 Hwy 825 (legal description: Lot A, Plan 4595NY) into compliance with the County’s Land Use Bylaw. This land is currently zoned as AG Agriculture, which does not allow this type of activity.

And, in accordance with Section 648 of the Municipal Government Act, you are hereby advised that Sturgeon County Council is considering including the same lands within the Sturgeon Industrial Park Area Offsite Levy Bylaw.

Each time land is rezoned, a bylaw is needed to amend the Land Use Bylaw, and a public hearing must be held.

Public Hearing details

The Public Hearing will be held in person and via videoconference:

Tuesday, April 23 at 2:00 p.m. (or as soon as practical thereafter)
Sturgeon County Council Chambers (9613 100 St. in Morinville)

View the hearing online at

Important information about Public Hearings

Requirements for speakers

All speakers have five minutes to speak and are encouraged to provide a written copy of their submission before the Public Hearing.

Speaking in person

To speak at the Public Hearing in person, contact Legislative Services at 780-939-8279 or 780-939-8277 to pre-register.

Speaking via videoconference

To speak at the Public Hearing via videoconference, you must register by April 22 @ 2:00 p.m. by contacting Legislative Services at 780-939-8279 or 780-939-8277. This ensures you receive instructions to access the videoconference.

Written submissions

Email a written submission to Legislative Services. Written submissions are accepted up to the close of the Public Hearing.

If making a written submission, you must include your name, state your interest in the matter (such as a County resident directly impacted by the proposed bylaw), and indicate if you are in favour of or opposed to the proposed bylaw.

Watching the Public Hearing

You can view the Public Hearing in person or online at To view the livestream, click on the meeting date on the calendar, then click on the video link.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP): By submitting comments on this bylaw, either orally or in writing, the personal information you provide may be recorded in the minutes of the public hearing, or otherwise made public. This information is collected in accordance with section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions, contact the Access and Privacy Officer at 780-939-4321 or

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