Safe, responsible use of OHVs in winter

Heading out on your snowmobile or snow bike this winter?

We encourage off-highway vehicle (OHV) users to enjoy the winter months while following the rules for safe and responsible use. These rules protect users and their passengers, other people in the community, crops and the environment.

Respecting private property and the environment

Be a good neighbour and get permission before operating your OHV on someone’s private property. Getting permission means you can learn about any barriers on the property, such as structures or wire fences, that could hurt you or your passengers. It also ensures you won’t damage crops, fences, or other property, or face a fine for trespassing.

When operating your OHV, stay on established trails even when riding in snow. Off-trail tracks in snow push frost deeper into the ground, which can damage vegetation.

Learn more about operating an OHV in Sturgeon County.

Where you can and can’t operate an OHV

If you use an OHV in Sturgeon County – on roads, in ditches and/or in public recreation areas – you must follow the rules in the Traffic Safety Act and associated regulations and in Sturgeon County’s OHV Bylaw.

You can operate an OHV on your own property and on someone else’s private property if you have permission.

You cannot operate an OHV in the following areas:

  • Within Sturgeon Valley, from Highway 2 east to Highway 28 and from Highway 37 south to the City of Edmonton and City of St. Albert’s north boundaries.
  • In a hamlet, except when leaving and returning to the hamlet using the shortest possible route to your residence.
  • In environmental reserve areas.
  • In the Sandy Lake Wilderness Area.

Learn more about using an OHV on public, or Crown, land. Some Crown land is leased and used for activities like livestock grazing. You must contact the leaseholder of this land for permission to access the land.