Rebrand focuses on values of opportunity, ambition, community values, wide open spaces, and deep roots.
On June 8, 2022, Mayor Alanna Hnatiw revealed the new County brand as part of her 2022 State of the County Address at the luncheon hosted by the St. Albert and District Chamber of Commerce. Learn more about the new Sturgeon County brand.
“Our new brand is an exciting story of what differentiates Sturgeon County, a place of opportunity, ambition, community values, wide open spaces, and deep roots,” said Mayor Hnatiw.
Developing the brand was a process that included Council, along with members of the community. Throughout the process, Council stressed the importance of recognizing the history of the community.
“There are people in the County whose families have been here for generations, and we also know that people can become very attached to the community’s brand,” said Mayor Hnatiw. “I believe we struck the right balance of adjusting the brand in a way that is respectful of our history and culture but acknowledges what we have become and how we continue to grow and evolve. Brands tell the story about who we are, what we value, and what distinguishes us from other places, and it was time to update our brand to reflect the opportunities and potential of this amazing community.”
Although the new brand has officially launched as of June 8, 2022, the County will roll out implementation over the next few months on digital and print materials. Council will consider the transition of major assets, such as gateway signage and other County signage as part of the 2023 Budget deliberations.