Review of resource extraction bylaws deferred to new year

At its meeting on Nov. 15, Council deferred the review of a pair of proposed bylaws related to resource extraction to the new year.

Council is committed to reflecting stakeholder advice in the proposed bylaws, and ensuring the proposed bylaws provide clarity and flexibility for potential aggregate operators.

Council directed administration to review the significant amount of information received from the public and industry representatives along with the Calahoo-Villeneuve Sand and Gravel Advisory Committee.

The proposed bylaws will come back to Council early in 2023 for consideration. If first reading is provided, Council will hold a public hearing to give the public another opportunity to provide input related to resource extraction.

The proposed bylaws are an outcome of the Resource Extraction Regulatory Review (RERR) which was designed to assist the County to achieve a more competitive balance between economic, social, health and environmental outcomes related to the regulation and operation of sand and gravel (aggregate) industries. The bylaw recommendations were also the result of a large-scale stakeholder engagement, one of the largest in Sturgeon County’s history.